I Volunteer To Move Your Soul And This How I Feel?
So the way my life rolls now I only have to eat my own shit, which is a position of great privilege, but last night I ate so much crap I almost choked on stage. About halfway through a storytelling spot I wanted to apologize to the audience and walk out the door and walk home and stop eating my own shit. But that's never an option so I simply ate faster. The theme of the night was Life and Death and I planned to talk about my time with Occupy and my support of Wikileaks and the price I pay for being involved and the rewards for taking risks, what with being arrested multiple times and my new scary relationship with the authorities. So far so good, I know what I do and why and I have plenty of stories. But let's eat shit. Doing stand up this year I've worked out my routine: talk to a voice recorder during the day and work in a notebook when I get to the comedy room. If the notes I make just before I get up don't relate to what I worked on during the day that's no...