
Showing posts from January, 2014

Slave logic

Looks like I've found my limit. 6 months in a Queensland jail? Maybe going mad in solitary? The Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act, evilly farted into being to crush bikie gangs has already been applied to unrelated folk only short months into it's life. This means people like myself, planning to go to Brisbane for the G20, have to now think about serious and scary jail time. Sorry, what was that? I should relax? Yes, you're right, particularly because one of our number has already been locked up (been inside several weeks already, over Christmas and New Year.) You may say I'm a serial protester, so the rules should be a bit different. As if I have a perfect right to protest, in the form of a voucher for one free trip and then I can return to my actual life. Well, it's usual to brand any dissenter a criminal. Or an idiot. Who is best treated like a criminal. This is horrible. What is happening in Queensland to focus on criminal bikies has targete...

Breathing farts

Debate. What a horrible word. We don't agree, how about we don't play a game of word football about it. We don't agree, how about instead of giving you the opportunity to pretend you've won, I pray you die of cancer, we change the subject, we have another beer and we remain friends. Christ. I read a list of logical fallacies and all I learned was I still hate lists. Debate is for people who can't tell a fucking story. I can't prove that and I don't have to. Not to anyone, certainly not to the internet. You are not supposed to weaponize your university education. Only joking, you are, but why play their game? You do know you're supposed to target your fellows with that big brain of yours? Yeah. That suits the powers that be like you would not believe. Fierce intellectual battles in tiny powerless circles. I pronounce me winner of this round.     

What we need is a meme

Oh I'm sorry, did I rock you? With my awesome idea for an online campaign? That will blow people's minds? Because we made it so easy? By appealing only to ourselves? They won't know what hit them when our online campaign of mass civil disobedience lands in their inbox and goes straight to the spam file. Oh shit. Talk about taking it to the streets! I don't know how people who actually won in their struggle against power got by without social media. I feel so alive and I'm not even in my swivel chair. I'm in bed.        

Hair products 4 U

These fucking people. Get a job! It's all so predictable. Reckoning with fools comes with the territory. Fools? Yes, fools, because they always say, "Get a job", they never say, "Start a small business". Imagine the pain that goes into that, "Get a job. Share my misery. I have no imagination. I got married because my parents consider me their property and I sort of believe them. I don't want to be free. Get a job. See you at the pub."  We live in very conservative times and I can prove it to you: the people who should be taking to the streets to fuck shit up are far more concerned with being offended about stuff. Hang on, isn't being "offended" for obsessed religious people? Yes, reader, exactly. All forms of protest are suspect but in Food Court Disneyworld you can Be Offended all day long. That shit is smiled upon by the gods of the free market. Please do be offended because at some point your hair will become lifeless and we...

Shot for crying

I heard about the TPP and the next thing I know I've agreed we'll use thumb-locks to attach ourselves to anything handy in the convention centre where the secret negotiations will be held. As the grinder cut through the steel tightly clamped to my thumb I reflected on how scary this shit was, the pain I was experiencing and felt moved to give voice to my concerns by making some kind of screaming noise. The gentleman on the other end of the cuffs shared this view and similarly gave voice to feelings of agonizing pain and dare I say it, fear. *coughs/adjusts testicles* It was a good morning. There's a video where I spoke quite clearly about our reasoning shortly after being released and my clarity was probably encouraged by a close brush with a grinder. Did I say "brush"? I meant "grinder that could saw into my body but instead only rapidly heated the steel thumb cuffs agonizingly while firehosing sparks at my skin from inches away." The other day I wa...

They must think we're all fucking idiots

So what you're saying is you'll keep the TPP negotiations secret and that won't tip us off that the whole thing is evil? Is the idea that in trying to put two and two together we'll come off like fuckheaded conspiracy theorists? Actually, that's a good plan, well played. Fuck. I feel like a tool when I talk about the TPP. Like a child wandering lost in the dark all I can do is imagine what lies out there in the darkness, completely forgetting that the real danger of the darkness is what the fuck am I doing out here in the first place? Why is it dark and why am I in the the dark where it's dark? These are a child's questions. Or perhaps should be. My problem is the TPP is of course evil, but the secrecy of the negotiations gives citizens a figleaf of plausible deniability. I would have done more about the TPP but I didn't want to look stupid. I didn't want the neighbours to think I'm paranoid, I mean, I don't speak to them because I...

Keep Your Eyes Open For A Bargain: CAR CITY!

The radio blasts advertising like artillery and my thoughts lie dead in heaps. I have a low paying job. A single seagull lands nearby with it's stupid fucking face as if to remind me that even flying can be sort of shit if you have the right attitude. I can't think. The truck driver asks me for a pen and I dither. I don't know how to behave because none of this should be happening. I was a clever and funny boy. I feel like everyone knows I'm pretending. I'm smarter than this shit and reading the broadsheet on my lunch break is a dead giveaway. I lift heavy objects and feel unlikable. I never relax because I never know what game we're supposed to be playing. Coworkers talk about the weekend and I realize they have no dreams. I feel they sense my superior attitude and wish I would just fuck right off. I wish I could. Often I do, walking out on job after job. I'm the only one in the factory who doesn't know why he's here. I'm confused about ev...