
Showing posts from March, 2014

Don't Be A Fuckhead - Stand Up Comedy

Now that I've got that off my chest let's focus on what a cunt that Perth guy was the other night. Wow. It just goes to show you learn so much watching standup, things like how not to be a fuckhead (don't be one) and tips like don't have a go at the audience, hang shit on the room or tell lots of jokes about your dick and sex with faux self-deprecation clearly acting as a trojan horse for picking up a root live on stage. I bet this prick has read The Game, the kind of tragically overconfident arse who "charms" underconfident women. "But he's so strong and he likes me!" Dudes feeding off damaged chicks. The great thing is I can enjoy the retarded behaviour of the young at my age and none of it gets on me. I walk through this world knowing my place, humbly accepting my own brilliance. You do have to be a little bit in love with yourself or you won't survive, you'll be crushed. If you are a little bit in love with yourself you ...

Piss On George Brandis

Attorney General George Brandis has unloaded the possibly unflushable nugget that Australians have a right to be bigots.   This is going to be a hard one to kill because so many Australians have so much to gain from   hanging onto their shitty opinion that anyone with a different opinion is not to be tolerated. Bigotry, the  intolerance  of any view other than one's own, a source of strength, a reward for it's own soullessness, the ultimate prize of the peabrained arsehole, that cretinous pustule-man most suited to denuding this land of it's forests and cracking it open for it's hidden gems and deadly fuels.                                                             The arsehole has reigned supreme across this fucking land for 200 years, ploughing a furrow and planting seeds of hate that are only now bl...