Nutrient Waters
I'm building a time machine so I can travel into recent history and kill our Prime Minister. I realise that is a complicated plan but I'm trying to find a way to talk about murdering the Australian Government that won't get me put on a list. Of cool people! Hi guys, let's talk politics. This week an American white women is telling the world that she is actually black because she says she is and that's that. Meanwhile in France anti-racism activists are terrified that the search for Viking DNA will stir up hard feelings. What's going to happen when activists discover France is really quite close to Germany? How offensive will that be? How come no one makes sense anymore? Is this The Singularity? Yes. We have entered the time of great bullshit, where the simplest things are confusing, where hardworking humanitarians using only the power of baffling jargon wrestle with the Imperial US Empire. For the right to wrap up and package our freedom, forklift it into a ...