Adolf Godwin
So I'm taking a short drive and reckon I'll listen to some gentle soft extremely wet liberal talkback radio and there's a horrific Trump supporter doing the weird snarling so may of them do. Rafi Epstein tiptoes around this maniac like an extremely boring professional. Then a woman calls in and mentions Hitler and suddenly Rafi has an actual opinion and it's that Hitler references make him "very uncomfortable". And he shuts this terrified woman down as if her fear is somehow offensive. The next caller points out that Hitler didn't start with the concentration camps, blowing Rafi's rant out of the water. Like, just nuking his pathetic Godwinning into oblivion. Juuuuust fucking piledriving his weak normalising let's-not-get-too-excited ass like a champ. Next caller says everyone should calm down because Trump's measures are temporary. And sanity is restored in the world of patronising men who will smother you to death with a pillow rather than r...