
Showing posts from February, 2014


Looking at breaking Manus Island news one observes that Australia inhabits a moral universe where it's probably okay to correctively molest children. What kind of message are we sending to the children? Think of the children! We need to protect the children. We need to lock up refugee children until they go mad from being raped and alone. We need to fap to the bad news of refugees being hacked with machetes. We have so many needs. But who is this "We"? Us. I absolutely identify with the Australia of mad cruelty, I can't not, it's what we are and all the self esteem practice in the world won't change it. We shouldn't be finding a way to let ourselves off the hook, we should twist on it hard and good. People are getting the literal chop and you want to make sense of your emotions? Fuck. Off. We're a nation of fucking arseholes. Face it, love it, use it. This is where we blow it time and again, in trying to do good, we get caught up in the trappings o...

Mental Country

The latest seems to be Manus Island detention was overrun by concerned citizens hacking at refugees with machetes. In a moment of confusion, in the course of attempting to escape the machetes, the refugees lost their bearings and found themselves outside the detention centre. They had forgotten their place as scapegoats and had instead focused on their own skin, which mates just don't do to a country. They clearly have not been punished enough and let's hope we can continue to do so. I don't want to say I'm a hundred percent sure that happened but I think I feel like I've had a hundred percent of what I can take of this fucking shit. If it didn't happen let's hear what did happen, Government. What's that? Silence and bullshit? Ok, we'll assume the worst then.  That some detainees may be economic refugees not really deserving of asylum is a handy out for anyone not wanting to feel awkward about machetes raining down on people we put in a dan...

Public Enemies?

It's been suggested Victoria Police may not even want to revel in their new powers, which confuses me because I've seen them assault people, usually women, over and over again. Amendments to the Summary Offences Act would grant police and PSOs (fake cops) amazing new move on powers. PSOs would use them against the homeless and mentally ill and when they're bored and just to look busy. Cops would use them against the Tunnel Picket, a group of people trying to stop a mega project destroying a chunk of Melbourne. They would use them on anyone protesting. Did I say the tunnel picketers were a group of people? I meant dreadlocked hippies. Yes. I'm told the media image is of arseholes with dreads. I would struggle to- no wait, one chick kind of, sort of has almost-dreads? Her? It's hard to understand that onlookers will look directly at a picket and glue their own images onto what's there. It's like photoshopping with your mind and if you do it properly it's...

Mud Style

85% of the 10% who know about the TPP reckon the 1% can piss off with their obvious move to improve on the figure of 40% of Australians in casual work. Once business is let off the leash we'll get to live out the death wish of all domesticated sentient beings, face down in a pile of stupid magazines, just waiting to die, itching for oblivion. Our freedom will be lost for generations. We will be hothouse flowers, no wait, strike that, cabbages.    A lot of smart people have never had their hands dirty, they are in love with appearances, lifestyle, gift wrapping, nice occasions. Behind it all is a lot of work. It's hard to be angry at people who are about to lose everything good and in fact that won't register for a while, not until they start to lose their bullshit too: lifestyle, position, appearance, career. When that bubble pops they will want to rise up. This will be impossible. There will be no work left to do.  While we were enjoying our bullshit the substance of...

Roseneath Street

It's all connected. Alongside the Great Pyramids lies a ghost pyramid of human skulls. We seek conspiracies, secret societies, when written into our streets is the story of stupid fucking slaves. My street is a rat run. A rat run is a route through residential streets to avoid main road traffic. Speed bumps meant to slow down this traffic have failed, so another bump was dumped on top. A double shot of speed bump. Aggravated drivers fly over and crash down. From early morning trucks and utes loaded with stuff seem to drop out of the sky one after another. Our days start with the angry sound of crashing failure. I need that sound to wake me up each day, the sound of angry slaves shouting, "Get fucked cunt!" I know these drivers look down on the people in my street. Educated, well read, what could be more loathsome to a driver reduced to hurtling through the inner suburban streets at dawn? Visit a city like Paris. I almost fell to my knees and cried when a child opened ...

The Horribly Disappointing Not Revolutionary Left

So the union movement is not exactly gearing up for an excess of passion right now. Pretty worrying, but that's the bureaucratic Left for you. The amendments to the Summary Offences Act will be rammed through in the State of Victoria and so far the office champs have pumped out a video that looks like it was made by a Centralized Union Neutering Team. The union movement needs to fuck off it's own 1%, the union movement needs a revolution, the union movement has been decapitated by technocrats, it's a waste, a disaster, a showbag: looks good, but full of shit. But let's not pretend the Worker has no part in this. I've spoken with unionists who shake their head at the materialistic focus of people well paid only because people like themselves fought the bosses. Now those people's lives seem to revolve around being able to buy shit, talk shit about that shit, all of this a replacement for giving a shit. Let's face it, fucktard nationalism has replaced m...

G20 Blues

It'd be a shame to get too emotional but Queensland quietly slipped from the 1950's all the way back to an imaginary time located in Game of Thrones and I'd hate to be a person there right now. Queensland: beautiful one day, skips four steps to fascism the next. Daniel Mathews made that observation about skipping a few steps and he should know because he can keep count because he's a mathematician. In November world leaders will gather in the capital city of Queensland to gloat. This is called "The G20". Understandably there are many who would like a word with these pricks and so plan to travel from all over Australia at personal expense to not be heard. Still others would like to protest effectively, make a stand, have an effect, change the course of history, act as the powerful voice of the silenced but new laws could result in said funsters being themselves silenced for quite some time. Apart from the terrifying new VLAD laws that could see us being put...

Christmas for the 1%

The TPP rally on Friday was a small affair as the corporate takeover of Pacific Rim nations is not news to our news media until it happens. Great stuff guys, you're all very brave and I listen carefully to your complaints about how hard it is to journalism and I care a lot. That's a Faith No More reference from a time when vinyl records were a thing and not an ironic thing.  Opposition to the TPP is at 85% among the 10% who know anything about it because a) it's a secret and b) no one trusts our leaders to operate in secret and c) but it's a secret, so d) we're fucked. I think direct action is what's required to put a spanner in the works, but that's about to be criminalised in Victoria so we're fucked. We're fucked. I held up one end of a banner at the rally because I'm a genius who forgot my job is to video this kind of stuff. It's interesting that I made such a mistake because we don't have time for that shit because we're ...

Summary Offences

Last Monday about 70 people quietly slipped up to the top steps of Parliament to sit with mouths taped shut for twenty minutes. For 32 minutes they sat silently in the hot sun, breaking some kind of law about protest on those steps, holding placards about the coming darkness, the end of real protest in Victoria for at least a generation, fun stuff like that.   Changes to the Summary Offences Act are to be rammed through by the conservative State government. We're not in good shape. At one point after the Silence bit I spoke to the people there but I was flummoxed because all I wanted to say is, "Occupy Parliament. We don't have any other moves left." I guess I'll keep saying that, but I don't feel confident because it seems like people are already resigned to the police being given new powers. Fuck knows what we'll do then. Go to jail I suppose. When I first heard of these amendments at the end of last year my immediate reaction was that there needs ...

Toilet Paper

The Herald Sun has run many pieces on the Tunnel Picket, each packed with lies, omissions, errors, half-truths, over-simplifications, concern trolling, trolling trolling, smears, slurs, innuendo, out and out hatred, bitterness, dismay, mock outrage, real outrage, tiny unimportant details magnified into looming chunks of bullshit and it all goes down like 7-11 sandwiches with that segment of their audience. You know, that one: half-wits, numbskulls, addicted deadbeats, drooling wafflers, workplace lunchroom conversational gatekeepers, sad little men, horrid women whose souls imploded long ago leaving a sucking hole. And swaggering fucktards. Hang on, am I being elitist? If the Herald Sun is the tabloid of the people, read by many, with a lock on public opinion, giving the city what it wants, mustn't I be wrong? Surely I have lost contact with what is real, where people are at, the common man looks at me and sees me for what I am: a wanker who is up himself, a no hoper and a stinki...

Julian and the Giant Peach.

The WikiLeaks Party review is out and full of no surprises for anyone, anywhere. For those who believe the party was betrayed by the mob who left crying foul, the review helpfully suggests these people may not have even existed, which must be comforting. From word go those who joined with WikiLeaks but refused to join the cult have been edged out as soon as they complained of dodgy doings. There is now an international network of ex-WikiLeaks people who have been burned by the cutting edge robot-boy behaviour of Julian Assange, a man well suited to living in a bubble, untroubled by the reality of other clever people. The review was controlled by Julian's father John Shipton, a manipulator whose charm seems old school but is simply the mask of an elite piece of shit who also never saw a bubble that didn't fit like a calf skin glove. The fucker will create bubbles out of thin air with his bullshit genteel behavior. It's all so lovely and nice cups of tea. I was singled ou...

An open letter to Justin Bieber

Dearest Justin, Old friend, I hope this missive finds you well, although I must admit I keep getting you mixed up with the actor who recently died in a fiery car crash. Do forgive my ignorance, it’s just that there is a constant barrage of information about people who will be forgotten before the next fortnightly wave of pop culture shits in it’s own mouth. Watevs! How is your health? I have never heard one of your songs and even though I have seen your face a million times you are as real to me as a dead body in a ditch. Are you even real? Perhaps I could settle the matter by watching one of your music videos, but I want to hang onto my image of you. To me you are what happens when a shotgun shell packed with faeces is blasted into the face of a gasping whore. Haha not really! It’s just that the descent of online news services into an abyss of sucking ad-revenue-need has done bad things to my third eye, which is now an unwiped asshole. Justin, I understand that in the current ...

Support Your Local Predators

A campaign to stop the slaughter of sharks in WA has been met by an entirely unhelpful burst of comments suggesting these people have been nowhere to be seen on the subject of our appalling treatment of refugees. Well done commentors! You have done the work of intelligence agencies by introducing conflict and loathing into a perfectly healthy push back on the murder of important ocean predators. It’s always great to play the game of Wrong Protest. A Wrong Protest is any protest you feel is drawing attention away from the Right Protest. Interestingly not a game people like to play when it comes to Gay Marriage, the heroic campaign to give middle class men the right to mimic the bonds of slavery through a nice ritual that involves the State for some reason. Right about now you’re thinking, “Are you a homophobe Sean?” A good question that can only be answered by people who enjoy making those accusations, a task also very important to the mission of separating allies from each other. H...

Immaturity and Hatefulness, by Me.

Behind the steering wheel you wait like a fat little spider, it’s all about the timing. Soon enough the lights will change and then, only then will you yell at the protesters, “Get a job!” You will do this forgetting you are driving the clearly marked vehicle of your employer. I will call your employer to inform him of your brain death and I will get a job. Your job. I will wear your fluoro vest like a scalp. You lazy tabloid scanning piece of shit. You 3AW listening-to bullshit sponge. You reactionary regurgitator of the lies people you hate put in your infrequently used brain. People you hate, people who hate you, people invested in you never growing a clue in the weed-choked garden of your mind. Your are a bit of a sad cunt, I’m told I should not give you my “energy” because that’s a “bad vibe”, but I don’t buy it. I like hate. I love you because you give my hate somewhere dead to go. You are a graveyard for the feelings I am addicted to and cherish. I look at you and see your ...