Mental Country

The latest seems to be Manus Island detention was overrun by concerned citizens hacking at refugees with machetes. In a moment of confusion, in the course of attempting to escape the machetes, the refugees lost their bearings and found themselves outside the detention centre. They had forgotten their place as scapegoats and had instead focused on their own skin, which mates just don't do to a country. They clearly have not been punished enough and let's hope we can continue to do so.

I don't want to say I'm a hundred percent sure that happened but I think I feel like I've had a hundred percent of what I can take of this fucking shit. If it didn't happen let's hear what did happen, Government. What's that? Silence and bullshit? Ok, we'll assume the worst then. 

That some detainees may be economic refugees not really deserving of asylum is a handy out for anyone not wanting to feel awkward about machetes raining down on people we put in a dangerous place like the arseholes we increasingly seem to be. Are. Am. We did this. I. There's no escape. You. Well done. Me too.

There is an out though: let's all get together and hate our leadership and pretend ignorance at the origins of cruelty. We could never be petty, unfeeling or vindictive, we're good people who have had many concerns about the treatment meted out to boat people for oh, decades! You should see our concerns! We've got a whole concern factory back here!

At some point you've got to fucking snap. Ineffectually pummeling the manly chest of our mean leaders with our tiny soft fists is not going to cut it.

It's time to fuck shit up. You want to help? Boycott the businesses running the detention centres, go into their offices and make their days a nightmare of terrible questions about their activities. Inconvenience some people for fucks sake, because if we don't get out of our comfort zone we will lose our soul. What's the atheist version of that? Integrity? What's integrity? No idea.


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