
Showing posts from July, 2016

Joining the drops of blood

I made a video today that does my thing of either joining the dots or drawing a very long bow, depending on your point of view. I've been thinking about points of view and how they change in a person based on new information, or from person to person based on which one them actually reads a fucking book occasionally. Today, while I was doing my version of reading, which is scrolling the news trying to work out how many days civilisation has left, I saw that a woman in China had stepped out a car in a zoo and immediately been killed by a tiger. I can't say I was deeply hurt by this news. She didn't bother to read great big signs saying, "Warning: actual Tigers", and I assume also tuned out any noises dripping with the same bloody information. I thought this news was a great example of just how wrapped up in our lives we can be, to the point of completely not bothering to stay alive in a place where there are tigers. I connected this to Australian leaking vessel o...

Schmidentity Schmolitics

So I tried and failed to read an open letter to "The Left" from people calling themselves "The Left". How amazing that I found it possible to look at dozens of people crushed by a vehicle in Nice this morning but what these champs had to say not only made me close my laptop, but I know I will never read it. It's too triggering lol high fives all round. It had to happen sooner or later, identity politics had to disappear so far up it's own arse that following the logic is a hero's mission through an idiot sewer. The bit I did manage to force down was that "Progressives need to acknowledge that all politics is identity politics" or some such burning garbage. So all real world events must be strained through an identity politics filter? And the people demanding this are educated enough to know about filters? But too precious to absorb that there can't be a theory on Earth that explains everything and that attempts to find one are a doomed ...

Terror Breakfast

We live in a world where terror attacks can happen anywhere and we can look at the latest footage on a device over breakfast. Pretty swell huh? Of all the rad things we can do here in the future, that's got to be the the raddest. My girlfriend made this wild muesli and I was tucking into that and looking at people who had the blood squashed out of them and a guy came on the radio and then things went from offensively horrific to dangerously puerile. He started talking about burkas. There's a few possible reactions to a terror attack, my favourite is to find the worst footage and look at it and shed a tear while I'm chewing home made muesli. Why? Because it's a mass murder and humans aren't actually built to have any normal response to that shit, so fuck it. What I definitely don't do is call up talkback radio to complain that we have a security problem that is somehow linked to burkas. When 9/11 happened, mainstream media handed the megaphone to experts who ...

End the violence

I was thinking about the latest horrific videos of American police murdering people and wondering why they always make me want to kill cops by bashing their fucking skulls in with a brick until there's just a pancake of hair, teeth, skin and brains and then taking off my clothes and wiping shattered cop head all over my naked body and- well, I say naked, but I'd put on the belt and holster thingy or whatever it's called and steal their pigwagon and go on a cop hunt, shooting the fucking dogs in the face, collecting weapons as I go until I'm holed up in a police station sitting on a pile of the useless dead fucks and I'd live stream me laughing and bathing in their blood and juggling their severed limbs and people would see this and realise that while I've got the cops distracted (because they always get upset and take it personally when you slaughter their fuckwit buddies) now would be a good time for the people to ninja over the fences of the rich and silently ...