Terror Breakfast
We live in a world where terror attacks can happen anywhere and we can look at the latest footage on a device over breakfast. Pretty swell huh? Of all the rad things we can do here in the future, that's got to be the the raddest. My girlfriend made this wild muesli and I was tucking into that and looking at people who had the blood squashed out of them and a guy came on the radio and then things went from offensively horrific to dangerously puerile. He started talking about burkas.
There's a few possible reactions to a terror attack, my favourite is to find the worst footage and look at it and shed a tear while I'm chewing home made muesli. Why? Because it's a mass murder and humans aren't actually built to have any normal response to that shit, so fuck it. What I definitely don't do is call up talkback radio to complain that we have a security problem that is somehow linked to burkas.
When 9/11 happened, mainstream media handed the megaphone to experts who all had fucking amnesia. It was apparently insane to point out that all of this had happened because of our own colonising, invading, killing, behaviour. And because some of the people we attacked were Muslim- I mean, we attack everybody, just ask an indigenous person- we decided that Muslim people fighting back were attacking us because they were Muslim and not because we were huge on bombing them.
So now we live in a world where fuckwits who begged on their Rupert Murdoch fellating knees for an invasion of Iraq are able to mask their disgusting behaviour by calling for crackdowns on Muslims who live among us. I am told Muslims have agendas. Really? My people are Catholic. Raped kiddies anyone? The UK Prime Minister who just stepped down possibly fucked a pig and it sort wasn't all that controversial. I could go on, but you get the picture that singling out cultures for shock-horror stories is total bullshit.
So this spanner on talkback radio is talking about burkas and I've got to ask: what is the point of me knowing what I know if can only talk to people who merely observe what's going on, but do nothing real? Because the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which millions marched against, unleashed all this shit on the world (or re-unleashed, whatever) and maybe it was because all we did was march. March. That's what we did. A child throwing a tantrum is more effective.
And because we're so ineffective, idiots walk among us braying that people in burkas are a threat. They foghorn their actually dangerously hateful shit because they know the worst that will happen is we'll march past them holding ironic placards.
If you want terror to stop you need to fight.
*progressive heads explode and yet again I am preaching to the converted*
There's a few possible reactions to a terror attack, my favourite is to find the worst footage and look at it and shed a tear while I'm chewing home made muesli. Why? Because it's a mass murder and humans aren't actually built to have any normal response to that shit, so fuck it. What I definitely don't do is call up talkback radio to complain that we have a security problem that is somehow linked to burkas.
When 9/11 happened, mainstream media handed the megaphone to experts who all had fucking amnesia. It was apparently insane to point out that all of this had happened because of our own colonising, invading, killing, behaviour. And because some of the people we attacked were Muslim- I mean, we attack everybody, just ask an indigenous person- we decided that Muslim people fighting back were attacking us because they were Muslim and not because we were huge on bombing them.
So now we live in a world where fuckwits who begged on their Rupert Murdoch fellating knees for an invasion of Iraq are able to mask their disgusting behaviour by calling for crackdowns on Muslims who live among us. I am told Muslims have agendas. Really? My people are Catholic. Raped kiddies anyone? The UK Prime Minister who just stepped down possibly fucked a pig and it sort wasn't all that controversial. I could go on, but you get the picture that singling out cultures for shock-horror stories is total bullshit.
So this spanner on talkback radio is talking about burkas and I've got to ask: what is the point of me knowing what I know if can only talk to people who merely observe what's going on, but do nothing real? Because the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which millions marched against, unleashed all this shit on the world (or re-unleashed, whatever) and maybe it was because all we did was march. March. That's what we did. A child throwing a tantrum is more effective.
And because we're so ineffective, idiots walk among us braying that people in burkas are a threat. They foghorn their actually dangerously hateful shit because they know the worst that will happen is we'll march past them holding ironic placards.
If you want terror to stop you need to fight.
*progressive heads explode and yet again I am preaching to the converted*
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