On November 26, Second Year of the Plague, I made a mean video about Graeme Dunstan. I took a pixelated poo on this veteran Australian so-called peace activist and actual police informant. I was bewy angwy at Gwaeme, not only because he joined the far right recruitment project called the fReEdom moVeMeNt, but that he referred to those who criticised him for this as “fasciophobic”. Don’t make up words, Mr Talks To Cops. 80 year old with a mullet rootrat buddhist-ass bitch. Fasciophobes? Is that people who hate fascism and fascists? People who hate people who hang out with people who are fascists? People who hate people who, when asked, “Why are you hanging out with fascists?” go into a bush doof can I have a durrie tap dance of denial, outright lying and then abuse and character assassination? Graeme, you grew a beard because if you looked in a mirror to shave you’d want to cut your own throat. If you knew who you were you would behead yourself. Head-having piece of shit. I wouldn't...