On November 26, Second Year of the Plague, I made a mean video about Graeme Dunstan. I took a pixelated poo on this veteran Australian so-called peace activist and actual police informant. I was bewy angwy at Gwaeme, not only because he joined the far right recruitment project called the fReEdom moVeMeNt, but that he referred to those who criticised him for this as “fasciophobic”. Don’t make up words, Mr Talks To Cops. 80 year old with a mullet rootrat buddhist-ass bitch. Fasciophobes? Is that people who hate fascism and fascists? People who hate people who hang out with people who are fascists? People who hate people who, when asked, “Why are you hanging out with fascists?” go into a bush doof can I have a durrie tap dance of denial, outright lying and then abuse and character assassination? Graeme, you grew a beard because if you looked in a mirror to shave you’d want to cut your own throat. If you knew who you were you would behead yourself. Head-having piece of shit.

I wouldn't say Graham's use of the fun new word “fasciophobic” is naive, because Graeme, despite being a cringe fool, knows exactly what he's doing. He's not a lefty. He's not an anarchist. He's not connected or in touch with any known tradition, convention, lineage or habit of grassroots struggle. Gra-Gra is the kind of guy you see dagging around at sites of grassroots struggle, hanging out his shingle as a self proclaimed humble wise man and picking up chicks. He has a van and everything. Graham is what you call a tree wizard, a type of low dog hanger-on who loves everybody a bit too much. They’re big huggers. Love a long hug. As disappointing as this idiot nature cock’s involvement with the terrible free-don’t movement is that people in the peace movement still back him, or have said nothing, or are sitting on the fence, or are waiting for instructions (from who?) or more information (that explains why fascists can be allies), or giving this dog carnt the benefit of the doubt, or- and it goes on and on.
Some might say there are good reasons for dealing with characters like this in-house, via some kind of system of restorative justice, some kind of conflict resolution, some kind of carefully thought out de-escalation of drama, but in this case, Graeme Dunstan has not just overstepped the mark, he's made it very clear that he is an enemy of any credible grassroots struggle. He's a loose unit, a loose cannon, an egomaniac, dangerously delusional and leading others down a path of hip-deep shite.
And a couple of days ago a friend showed me a screenshot of what Gandalf is getting up to at the moment.
Undeterred by the fact that because of his garbage activities he was disinvited from Eureka Stockade ceremonies in Ballarat, (the word is out and HAIL SATAN people are starting to turn their backs on him) Graeme is quietly working away behind the scenes on a new side mission, and that is encouraging people to find a way to become infected with COVID 19. Yes, Graeme Dunstan, not happy with being a friend of plague rats, is trying to create sick people who will spread further sickness.
Knowing that he is a committed police informant and a practitioner of flog spirituality,
even so I was still shocked to learn this religiously full of shit hopepunk is spreading the word to people that what they need to do is catch COVID-19. Catch it and keep it and possibly die, or be physically and mentally devastated, perhaps permanently, but most importantly, share it around.
I mean, read this shit. Fucking hell. If there is an airlock, he’s needs to go out that airlock into the emptiness of everyday Australia and out of activist spaces, right now.
And if rude words hinder your understanding of this message I want you to visualise an airlock and imagine me pushing a button and not even waving goodbye. Middle class, civility is everything-ass bitch. Fuck. You. Darryl.


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