Grassroots Blues

(This is not a funny post, more a case of looking for useful feedback.)

I got into Occupy because of Wikileaks, so I've decided I'm going to help the Wikileaks Party get into power, however I can. Already trusted expert activist mates have made it clear they're not feeling it, but I'm not feeling me missing out on this historic moment. I imagine a future where I'm asking myself why I thought I had anything better to do than back a freedom fighter. Oh he's not? Good times.

My friends tell me the system is broken and they are right. Occupy is broken too. I was one of the people almost crushed along with the movement. I stuck it out and I'm still to see through one ongoing court case (and another much bigger one relating to The Eviction is being looked at as possibly a goer. In which case- if I lose- I'm up for thousands of dollars. But I'll take the risk.)

People talk to me about grassroots movements and I get it- look at my videos from years ago talking about Direct Democracy- but I'm from a a suburb so shit most Melbourne people have never heard of it. I'm from a place where victims grow like weeds. Yeah, my father went to a good school, but I sure didn't. I had no guidance at all.

What I'm getting at is I'm a person, not a theory. For someone who looks like me: white, male, supposedly middle class, I have no educational achievements- I failed High School, for fuck sake- a McJob work history, no qualifications. I've just turned 45 and I have achieved nothing that will stave off a future of poverty and bitterness.

Throw in a 15+ year recovery from a mental breakdown with no medical help- couldn't afford it- and you could say I'm pretty fucked on paper. I do stand up comedy but have no idea how to make money from it. I can make sculpture, but my hands will seize up before I can money from that. I make funny videos but how do you make money from that?

I can't talk to my parents about anything real, I have only my girlfriend between me and working as a dishwasher. So you tell me: should I leap at the opportunity to work for the Wikileaks Party, or should I worry about whether I'm being grassroots enough?

Occupy gave me the skills and confidence to even think about helping to push along a fledgling political party. Not bad for a McJob guy, from a broken home, survivor of abuse and bullying, survivor of mental illness and the stigma that goes with it.


  1. Howdy, Sean,

    I'm the last person to ask about what a guy should do about his future. I'm 44. I've self-published three novels, made three short films, produced a photo webcomic, released a music CD, opened a CafePress store, made a series of vlogs and parody videos, and run a website with a blog and a fairly active forum, and in the decade-or-so I've been at all of this stuff, I've barely made a dime.

    Naturally, one wonders if it's worth it. One wonders if he even has any talent at all.

    But here's what I do know.

    You are, hands down, one of the smartest and funniest people I've ever seen on YouTube. I've seen lots of other folks on YouTube who are getting thousands of views on their videos while they aren't nearly as smart or as funny as you are. Why is this the case? I have no clue. I just know it's not because you lack the creativity or talent.

    But what is the best way for you to express your gifts, the best way for you to use them if you want to make the world a better place? It could be by helping this new political party you speak of. It could be by writing a book. It could be by sticking with the YouTube thing. That's the whole problem, isn't it? You feel strongly that you've got something, it's just not obvious what it is or what you should do with it.

    But whatever else happens, please don't give up. I think the world still has much to learn from you.


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