Witch Meat

Hit the fucking jackpot yesterday. Twitter Lefty announces that dude-I-follow-on-twitter is anti-semitic and I weigh in because I know he's not and that's just fucked. I mean, more people should be anti-semitic amirite Nazis but this guy just isn't so don't be labelling people if they haven't earned it through hard work.

Anti-semitic. So anyway, this horrid accusation is thrown at a guy in a public forum and it happens to be exactly the kind of labelling behaviour I hate more than I hate women. Oh, sorry, I should explain that when I sent a tweet to this person calling her behaviour "revolting" (go me, no swear words!) she came back with a strong implication that I'm a rape apologist and followed that up with the even stronger smear that I'm a misogynist.

At this point I was just high on life. From out of nowhere I was now Bad Lefty Words with a good chance to collect the whole set of Phobes if I kept going with this unhinged recipient of a university education. 

Now I'm being mister jokey pants here, but this started with a human putting the word out that a person who works tirelessly for the fucked-over Palestinian people is motivated by hatred of Jews. I've followed the guy on twitter for at least 18 months and have never felt he's a Jew hater.  I also believe anyone who throws around accusations of Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Anti Semitism should be burned alive, because we're never gonna survive unless we get a little bit crazy and destroy people who start witch hunts.

To recap: psycho disgrace to the Left cause publicly denounces human rights activist as anti semitic, I tell her that's revolting, she instantly leaps to the conclusion I probably also don't care about the rape of women, women, women's issues, any oppressed person and that I'm all this terrible shit while being motivated to feel warmth towards life's winners(!) Palestinians because I hate Jews.

I mean, I think so, it's hard to know with Lefties who use causes to destroy the Left.



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