My new focus is on building a movement in Australia. The rules are: don't be a sook, don't be an arsehole and don't waste time trying to convince dickheads. We are all going to die if we don't get our shit together, so it's time to form alliances and work to do real things.

Don't be a sook? Yeah, don't. You're tired, you're drained. you feel bad? Tell someone who cares mate, we're not your family. Do you want to help fight injustice or do you want to bring us all your problems? If that sounds too harsh you may be a terminal sook and you probably also call yourself an empath. Go away.

Don't be an arsehole? Once we've weeded out the sooks (which we already sort of do by pretending we can't hear them) we now have people to work with. Don't be an arsehole to them. The amount of injustice fighting energy that is directed at individuals is amazing and quite an achievement in self importance. Treating individuals like they're institutions that need to be taken down is for arseholes. Don't be an arsehole.

Don't waste time trying to convince dickheads. Just don't. Stop debating people. Stop arguing. Stop trying to convince dickheads. The alt-right in particular live to waste your time and climate skeptics can't be changed. You want to spend more time on them than on me, your mate, who loves you? Fuck me sideways. Help us build a movement ya big loser.

We're all going to die if you don't get over yourself. It'll be all your fault. 




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