Cranky Old Bastards
Last week we walk into a 24 hour place and the proprietor immediately tells us he’s just been robbed and he shows us phone video of two laughing white teenage girls scooping up armfuls of vapes. In solidarity I bought a bullshit vape that tastes like frigging lemonade. That night I sucked on that vape furiously as my story about aggravated shoplifting and police racism and indifference against 24 hour shop owners failed to go over with every person I related it to. How did I manage to make a story about daylight robbery so uninteresting to so many people? I’ll never know, because I am quite autistic. Like, I’m autistic all day. My autism runs on time, I can rely on it to dig me a social hole even when I think that surely I’m working with solid gold material about crimes. Queensland police have murdered another Aboriginal man and we know it’s murder because there were fifteen cops but there is no bodycam footage. If there’s one thing cops do well it’s putting their heads together ...