Cop Hitlers

 "Cop Hitlers"

The flood of normal shit has been truly spectacular. Ban symbols, ban gestures, be offended, feel bad, all amazingly powerful responses to the news that Victoria Police have just again made very obvious how much they love nazis. And I mean real love, a brotherly love, a fraternal warmth, eyes meeting across a crowded rally/counter rally space, eyes that say, “I get it buddy, you’re just doing your job. I wish I could take off my uniform/ put on your uniform and join you right now. I want to feel you inside me. Seig Heil!”
I told a cop what I thought of him and he was so happy. He was happy that scum like me were on edge. He was thrilled to be suppressing deviants. He was the most normal person I’ve ever met: middle of the road, easy enough to talk to, because it’s his world, so he feels good, a mile wide streak of sadism. Transphobes held a rally, so there was a counter rally, and the measures used by the police against the counter ralliers can only be explained by a bone deep respect for what is right, the far right. Cops pepper sprayed people ultra right in the face. People that had police already kneeling on them. One cop lost his shit completely and left his line to chase after a protester. We’ll never know why the cop chose to run that day, because he wasn’t very good at it and tripped over like an arsehole. Of course this meant the captured protester had to be kneed in the head repeatedly by Funny Feet’s mates. You made my friend trip over a little purple backpack, pervert!
Transphobes held a rally and nazis rocked up to get involved. There is a response you can have to that and it’s, “These mask wearing nazis are cowards.” Come on. Let’s not play pretend about the violent gang that will happily turn up where they are massively outnumbered. They’re not scary? Good for you. But when I had nazis moving rapidly towards me on Saturday like, uhhh, nazis, I didn’t have the strong feeling they were too worried about being a small group up against hundreds. So if that’s cowards, good for you, I’ll see you at the next thing and we can not be scared of cowards together. Deal? Great, I’ll see you there.
Really. It’s great to have you on board. Phew! Oh boy.
There are so many threads to this story and it can be hard to keep track of them all. Each of us only has their own part of the picture, so it’s important to check in with each other and ask what did you see? What do you think is going on? Then you have things like newspapers and TV, where the diversity of perspective drops right off. Suddenly everyone seems to have one point of view and it’s very much not that the cops gave nazis a leg up onto the steps of parliament and that that raises some question about the cops. What a miracle of oneness, unity and togetherness the news people are today. Gosh they’re good at not seeing stuff.
The cops did everything but line up with the nazis. Well, that line is blurry. One cop in uniform had to be taken off the cop line because he was being taunted for being a well known proud racist. One nazi was the son of a cop, who has posted proud father pictures of his son in nazi regalia. With that kind of parental support it’s no wonder that Son Boy was so thrilled to show his face. Gosh he was cheeky. What a little blonde fucker. Imagine the family home on those pricks.
The problem with writing about these things is you want to pitch it just right, so that hardly anyone agrees with you, because this is a terrible country, and if normal people agreed with me I’d be fucking horrified.
Right, I am sick of talking about this shit. Later.


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