Cranky Old Bastards

 Last week we walk into a 24 hour place and the proprietor immediately tells us he’s just been robbed and he shows us phone video of two laughing white teenage girls scooping up armfuls of vapes. In solidarity I bought a bullshit vape that tastes like frigging lemonade. That night I sucked on that vape furiously as my story about aggravated shoplifting and police racism and indifference against 24 hour shop owners failed to go over with every person I related it to. How did I manage to make a story about daylight robbery so uninteresting to so many people? I’ll never know, because I am quite autistic. Like, I’m autistic all day. My autism runs on time, I can rely on it to dig me a social hole even when I think that surely I’m working with solid gold material about crimes.

Queensland police have murdered another Aboriginal man and we know it’s murder because there were fifteen cops but there is no bodycam footage. If there’s one thing cops do well it’s putting their heads together after their latest execution style killing. Cop leadership are amazing too. I have never, ever had a boss who is so extremely supportive of my actions, no matter what they are. The cop workplace must be incredible. To feel so unconditionally supported right up until you put your weapon in your mouth because it won’t stop asking questions about racism and sexism.
I hate this country and it feels good. I’ve hated it since I was two or three and therefore old enough for various horrible Australians in my life to start getting impatient with me because I was different. Kids just pick up on things like that, it’s like they have a sixth sense about their lives being ruined before they’ve even begun.
I was joking with an autistic person that there aren’t any autistic activists or grassroots political people in Melbourne and because he is autistic he said oh no there’s actually heaps and I had to explain I was joking. More comedy gold from the master! I related that story to another activist who reckoned if anything neurodiverse folks are an overrepresented group in the social justice world. First time in my life I’ve outnumbered dumbasses.
I have to go get my teeth cleaned, because I’ve been avoiding the dentist, because having people I’m supposed to trust leaning over me freaks me out ever since every time cops tortured me during a non violent protest arrest. I don’t know if I’ll be able to sit in the dentist chair, but it has to happen, I need my teeth, they chew my food, so I can produce turds to throw at the other monkeys, who say bullshit like, “We’re actually just monkeys.” Monkeys are awesome, fuckwit.
Things are terrible and they are getting worse and we don’t even have the example of old people who toughed it out during rough times to inspire us, because they were miserable bastards. Visit a nursing home and try talking to those losers about their feelings and they will hold the pillow down over their own face. It takes them ages to do it too. These are people who can turn literally anything into pure boredom.
Right, I’m off to the Trans Day of Visibility rally and march at the State Library, because all us so-called minority groups need to practice solidarity or we’ll never get to live in a world run by cool people. It’s not just about escaping oppression, it’s building a place that, for instance, actually treasures it’s boring old farts. God they suck.


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