Greg, John and Julian: Cigar Smoke

So Greg Barns, barrister, Tasmanian, classical music aficionado and frequenter of the very best restaurants reckons those of us who pulled the pin on the WikiLeaks Party are a bit soft in the head, not real complicated thinkers, a bit stupid, perhaps even slightly working class. I'm not sure if I'm getting it straight as I'm self educated and do lack a degree in being full of shit. I also admit not being a committed whore possibly colours my view.

Watching Greg jack himself off over Julian Assange's supple intelligence and fierce hatred of seatbelt laws in today's Drum made me glad I didn't pay attention in High School and therefore skipped the process of losing touch with the common man Greg seems to have embraced like an elite minion excitedly stepping into a cigar smoke filled wine cellar where he will be pissed on by opera buffs.  

As a man qualified to be a dishwasher I enjoyed Greg strutting his stuff as he plausibly painted those of us who resigned as Lefty dreamers who failed to grasp the subtle gradations of shifting light and specialness that make up Julian Assange's politics. It was also fun to watch a fellow damaged individual hamfistedly stitching the tears in his abortion of a political career, using us as the silk thread tying up his shredded butthole. I'm sure the fact he Julian and Julian's father fucked themselves and each other with a truly clublike dildo of deluded entitlement escapes this trio of refined gentlemen of exquisite taste and I'm sure it's because they're all dumb cunts.

But I perhaps go too far.

This man made out like a fucking bandit from a project that wouldn't exist without people who give integrity a shot occasionally. That he reckons he can simply say, "They didn't get it", is exactly the problem we were on about. Greg Barns, John Shipton and Julian Assange misread their support base as only wankers who see themselves moving in elite circles do every fucking day.

WikiLeaks was and is a great idea but Julian Assange is wandering around wearing one dancing shoe if he thinks issues like human rights have any kind of hope at all outside of the Lefties who have expertise in fighting for that shit. But this is besides the point. The Trio of Entitled Trippers were so contemptuous of the Left they were willing to go outside the process in their own party to "win".

You fucking cocks. You don't outsmart democracy.

So get fucked.        




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