Post Fuckwit World

Following the ‪#‎auspol‬ stream on twitter I am exposed to the kind of Ebola with a face who make being an Aussie such an unpaid position. These people and their hatred of every single Muslim are welcome to go somewhere not multicultural. Maybe Japan. It's a shame stupid people are so territorial. They are the first to jizz their bile all over the facts, which are: Muslims are like anybody else except for one crucial difference, they actually have some culture. Neckflag Aussie snapperheads have an inch-deep "lifestyle" because this country threw out anything that wasn't the long dark night of the consumer soul a long time ago. As an artist and thinker, talking with many, many Aussies is an exercise in hiding my intelligence so they don't have to feel resentful and take it out in me. An anti-intellectual fuckmall like this is perfect for imposing our own version of Sharia, which is for instance ever more invasive "security" on public transport, making you hate that you feel coerced into paying to ride a train. You were going to pay your way, but these authoritarian retards have made that feel like you're taking it up the caboose. Soon enough you won't be able to be anywhere without feeling like you're being checked out by some undercover pissant who has no idea he is the fucking problem.
If you people don't fight back I will start getting my cock out in the street.
By the way, listen to me and Tulky's "Two Bearded Ladies Show!" for silly funtimes. Silly funtimes are necessary.


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