Dudes of Power

Yeah, good, so now every snapperhead has been given the green light to yell at muslim women, or any woman with a scarf on her head or fabric near her face, or any woman who may or may not have been a woman or planning to be a woman. Anyway, the really exciting part is that these snapperhead fucks so far are mostly men, big men, men driving utes, men who are man men from mantown getting their man on in the manliest manner possible.
No wait, there was that one vicious assault by a woman. While it's tempting to make this all about bogans and particularly manbogans, the fact is this outbreak is driven by very educated people, well paid people, people with careers, people with a lot to gain, powerful people in media and government and intelligence and the military. The drones in the street should be fought to a standstill, but at the end of the day they're just following orders. It's not enough to hate them (though do, why not, fuck 'em) because the whole system thrives on sexism and bigotry because that's what it's built on.
This country is built on genocide. God I'm boring.


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