Tickets on myself

With several weeks to go my show is mapped out and I'm looking forward to having a most excellent comedy festival. I was surprised when I worked out I have only been having a go at stand up for four and a bit years. I'll have been having pathetic feelings about live comedy five years this June/July.

Before stand up I did a Youtube thing for a few years that was similar to stand up in that it involved making a dick out of myself until I became bitter. And I have been bitter about stand up. There's a sort of magical thinking where you reckon you've made enough of an arse of yourself and things should start going your way. Doesn't work like that. I am sure there are wheel barrows of shit like a fucked train stretching into the future and and I will have to eat all of them. Anyway, who needs dignity? No I'm serious.

I hear a lot of talk about "identity". More and more it seems intelligent, thoughtful people believe they have a self that needs to be respected or listened to or understood and I find it baffling because our great thinkers worked out a very long time ago that the Self is an illusion. You are what you do, not what you think or say. This earnest search for the holy grail of the Self that must be taken Seriously or I'll Get Mad has seeped into politics to the point that I don't know what possible point  I can make with my supposedly political stand up comedy. But wait.

The thing is, all of creation sprang forth from a terrifying nothingness and the only creatures who can do anything with that beyond simply living are storytellers. We're all storytellers, that's how we get shit done. The flipside is every one of us upon birth wins a lifetime supply of bullshit and it's possible to live a fully and supposedly rewarding life bullshitting yourself.

If you like bullshit you will love this show.

Tickets for Two Bearded Ladies


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