Golden Years

Pretty sure I'm hearing young Australians saying, "Do the math", which is interesting because we don't say "Math" in Australia as far I know. It's Maths, as in Mathematics. Anyway, I'm all for stealing cool language from black Americans, that's all part of what white people do because we're too embarrassed to be ourselves. Well not the sport ones. Sport white people are very happy to be themselves and the less said about that the better. But why would you steal white people American words? Makes no sense, then again, fuck all does.

So I'm listening to two Young People on the radio who are there to let the world know that Young People are something called "Smart and Savvy". Now look, I understand that older people who never had an original idea in their lives look back at the young for hope out of sheer despair, but let me break that down a bit further. The world is full of borderline tools in leadership positions who never grew as people because all they've done is follow in the footsteps of other morons. When they say, "Let's ask the young", they are saying that they are completely blind and deaf to the middle aged and older people who have been saying to them all their lives, "You are a dumb fucking piece of shit."

Yes, let's ask the fucking young, let's not ask the people who have decades of experience not getting a word in because an in-crowd of pukes have been deafened by the sound of themselves loudly fellating each other. Let's ask people who've never been told "No" what they "think" about a world they have never experienced except as a series of important messages about being special.

I don't know who I hate more, young people who actually believe they have something important to add, which even for a young person is spectacularly deluded, or the middle aged people who really should stop trying to pass the baton of Fail to these Pixar Warriors before sinking back into the ooze like the mud people they are. Let's go with both.

Guys, I feel really good after expressing myself. Until next time.    


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