Australia is very special
Today is not a bad day weather wise and I forgive myself for wanting to burn Australia to the ground.
Files have been leaked detailing what happens to actual real live kids when you put them in a detention centre on a very remote island.
Well done Australia, you're very special.
In Australia, real live adults take time to moan that they're laughed at when they play Pokemon Go. Okay, I'm sorry for shoehorning Pokemon Go into this, but when I ride my bike along the creek to think about stuff like our detention centres in surroundings that will stop me from killing myself, there's this spot where grown adults gather to block the shared walk/cycle way with their amazingly toned bodies (teehee! not really!) and I have to do this thing with my face where I don't let on that they shit me because passive aggressive consumer Aussies love it when you do that because it means they are being bullied and are therefore pretty much freedom fighters.
Australia could use some freedom fighters, but instead we have people so caught up in how they feel about Pokemon Go that horrific abuse of children goes unchecked. I'm doing it right now in fact, because injecting some sort of fuckheaded levity into the situation is the only way I can come at the small problem that Australia is such a terrible place full of terribly precious people that it sets up concentration camps in distant locations to protect it's special feelings about itself from any knowledge of what it actually is: which is an island of top shelf pieces of shit who are exactly the product of building a nation on invasion and genocide and therefore way far totally beyond industrial scale child abuse.
You know, we can't all be victims, but because Australia is a such a fucked experiment, pretty much everyone gets to play one to some extent so not only does nothing ever change, this country gets worse all the time. And this country is muuuuch worse than it was twenty years ago. The cycle of abuse keeps feeding back into itself and creating new crops of people who know something is wrong but don't want to face it properly.
And that's the good news. I'm off to ride my bike so my head doesn't explode and create more housework. #drudgery
The Nauru files: 2,000 leaked reports reveal scale of abuse of children in Australian offshore detention
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