Couch Defenders

Yesterday I made a video reacting to the Nauru Files, the main idea of which was that if Australians don't pay close enough attention to the news, the Australian news will always be bad.

When I was a kid I noticed the Adults weren't big on telling the truth. Anything of troubling significance was seemingly automatically lied about. And when I say lie, I mean flat out denied. There was an impenetrable wall of impatience around any and all events of importance. Both sides of the family were Catholic, so there's the obvious going on there, but I reckon it's also national. This is a nation of cover-ups.

A while back me and a partner in not believing this country is for real had a drink with a couple of mates who were absolute in their impatience with any talk of this country's origins. My partner and I in, apparently, crime, did a lot of making goggling boggling significant eye contact as we tried to comprehend why people with no history of being political were vigorously and angrily defending Australia from any talk that included facts about Australia. It still blows my mind. It was big smelly adults sticking their fingers in their ears and going, "Lalalalalalaa!" They were really angry at even the idea of facing the facts of our past. Livid even. Over their beers. In a beer garden.

We're really up against it if we want to end the horrific treatment of refugees, because there are Australians who will do anything to avoid rocking the boat, including rocking the boat to tip out any protesters.

I'm not talking about stupid Hansonites either, I'm talking about educated people who care about human rights, but are so far up the status quo's arse they are happy to let solutions to this shit take forever. As far as they're concerned their own comfort level is a victory for humanity and should be defended at any cost. They're lazy pricks who can suck my arsehole, as grandma used to say.

Come to think of it, I'm not particularly hard working, I'm just concerned that if I'm going to waste my life, it's not gonna be on defending my friggin couch.




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