Fascist Nerds
Back in 2005/2006 I started making videos with my phone, probably because I was so surprised that this new phone had a camera. I got right into it. They were meant to be a parody of my own anger at just about everything and they hit a nerve with some people so I kept making them. Through the Youtube "community" I was exposed to men who called themselves atheists and were into logic, reason and debate, all things I couldn't care less about. I'm into big ideas and fucking shit up, I'm not interested in scoring points against other online losers. Some of them were attracted to my videos, so I had fans and I didn't like what a lot of them were saying or how they said it and soon I was dissing my own audience and in no time the whole thing collapsed in on itself. I really enjoyed trying to make entertainment that had a point and a lot of the audience were great, but the irritating logic nerds were very hard to take. Also, I realised I wasn't just competing wi...