Fascist Nerds

Back in 2005/2006 I started making videos with my phone, probably because I was so surprised that this new phone had a camera. I got right into it. They were meant to be a parody of my own anger at just about everything and they hit a nerve with some people so I kept making them. Through the Youtube "community" I was exposed to men who called themselves atheists and were into logic, reason and debate, all things I couldn't care less about. I'm into big ideas and fucking shit up, I'm not interested in scoring points against other online losers. Some of them were attracted to my videos, so I had fans and I didn't like what a lot of them were saying or how they said it and soon I was dissing my own audience and in no time the whole thing collapsed in on itself.

I really enjoyed trying to make entertainment that had a point and a lot of the audience were great, but the irritating logic nerds were very hard to take. Also, I realised I wasn't just competing with video making blowhards without an original thought in their heads, I was being lumped in with them. And I knew I was being drawn into their world of pointless argument. It was all a bit uncreative.

There are many different kinds of marginalised loser, but Youtube has zeroed in on the scariest kind: they used to be men who called themselves atheists and were into logic, reason and debate, now they're just Nazis and Nazi-lite, woman-haters, racists and even just people so lacking in empathy that they are every kind of bigot without even trying. The people that used to ruin my day are now in the White House, is what I'm motherfucking saying.

Back then I used to think of all these people as nerds, because they almost always were, but now it's obviously more of a widespread thing and Youtube is feeding into this viral contagion of bad and fucked up thinking. I look at Youtube and on the right side of the page I am always presented with videos that are far away from what I'm into. It's always a crazy version of whatever I'm looking at. The suggested videos down the right side of the Youtube screen are there as clickbait and they are an invitation to madness.

A common response to this rise of boring crazies is to write them off as clowns who watch too much Youtube, but this misses the point. Very young people are having fucked up thinking pushed into their heads faster than parents can explain that it's bullshit. And it's all scary right wing bullshit. Left wing ideas are indeed being shared, but that's a grassroots thing that is unlikely to be able to compete with the huge money poured into Bigoted Fuckhead Dot Com.

Youtube is a ranting right wing dad gaslighting a generation of children and warping them into a universe of bad ideas that will end us all. We're all going to die. It's quite exciting. I'd add a bit here about the only hope is grassroots struggle but who cares about that, let's go out into the burning streets and masturbate. Please cover yourself in your own shit first so it doesn't come off as a weird sexual thing. Thank you.        




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