9/158 Chesterville Road, Cheltenham

The thing about scanning a crowd for possible fascists is that all white people look a little bit like they could snap and go Full Nazi. I'm joking, but only a little bit. Today I was at Fed Square Melbourne, a privately owned public space that has replaced the City Square in our hearts as a confusingly designated gathering space where we may or may not have any human rights. Did you know Australian towns were designed to specifically not have town squares? This was so the people would have no obvious designated areas to commence insurrection. Bloody fair dinkum Aussie history is great stuff isn't it? If you add to this the fact that most Aussies are in superlove with cops, well, it's a recipe for militant apathy that is world class. Feel free to fact check all of that. I am an artist, I literally don't have time for facts.

Despite these horrific truths(?) about the penal colony bone structure of this astonishingly average nation (that's a fact), people turned out in good numbers today to support Dan the street artist, who was monstered by Nazi clowns on the weekend. The idea was that he would do his street show, the TV people who mould our opinions would get footage and the story would be shared widely and the people would then rise up and crush every Nazi in our midst. I might watch The Project to see just how far they fall short of this ideal, but probably really only to see if they got images of me and if so, how fat do I look? I felt a bit fat today. And don't tell me shame doesn't work, shame is going to carry me to the gym after I write these fucking swear words.

Anyway, quite a few people arrived, many more than managed to make it to the Sunday flag worship rally. I recognised members of the performer community I'm not famous enough to talk to, but consoled myself with the knowledge that I have fucked my comedy career by doing shit like this. I scanned the crowd like a fucking anarchist street activist who does shit that's like, way cooler than having a successful comedy career, but didn't see any extremely obviously Nazi types, so was left alone with my cool thoughts about the cool things I do that are totally better than success according to some arbitrary standard like "money".

Where was I? Oh yeah, So anyway, Blair Cottrell apparently asked the network of younger men he is grooming like a Far Right Pedo to not not come to Fed Square today. He knows he has blown it totally and now his clubhouse at 9/158 Chesterville Road, Cheltenham will be closed down by either popular opinion, unpopular but like, heaps cool antifascists or a council dude who notices the building has no fire safety sprinklers or fire escapes, or fire hoses or any way to deal with the molotov cocktails that definitely won't be thrown at the place because no one wants to go to jail over this shit.

It's funny that I feel I have to mention that I and everyone I know is not into arson. You sort of have to because extremely pervasive surveillance, ridiculous anti-terror laws and shithouse police powers all lie in wait for any admittedly very heroic figure who destroys a Nazi breeding ground. I would worship that person, but please, no-one do it, it's wrong.

All jokes aside- or am I joking? Or not joking? Or joking about not joking? That clubhouse is going to be closed down sooner or later because a) these turkeys have removed any possible doubt about what they are and b) it's a space where young men are groomed by older men in a process of pedophilic vampirism that is top shelf fucked up bullshit.

It was a great turn out today and everyone had a lovely time. 9/158 Chesterville Road, Cheltenham.


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