Thank God It's Yelling

Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern are two extremely ordinary individuals who have tried to overcome their lack of talent and to the bone mediocrity by becoming full time haters. Lauren has a Stupid Person Deep Voice and Stefan is unattractive in the way of a creepy office worker with a secret life that is unfortunately jogging. Both of these almost humans make a living cranking out repellent theories so in need of correction I wonder if they're middle siblings, because the resentment that fucks out of their pores is wet to the touch even just watching them. He's a whiner, she's an oaf and together they're coming to Melbourne to speak from their ghastly word holes at the fucking unlucky fans tragically drawn into their web of dried dog shit.

I watched some of their video bullshit and edited that down into short snippets to make them look as stupid as possible, because no blow is too low to throw at these two scumbags. They are both extremely racist, he is extremely sexist and it's amazing she puts up with being around his tiny dick energy, but denial and neediness is how this nauseating world of wannabe fascists works. It's people who would normally avoid each other, but like the emotional lepers they are, all they have is each other. People like you and I will hang out with people who have different hobbies than us, but in this world ultra Zionists will work side by side with Nazis. Because they're all horrific specimens of moral decay, they all magically believe they've got the drop on each other so they're happy to hang out.

I could be wrong about some of this, but unlike these fuckwits I am a human who is allowed to make mistakes, while these people are dogs working desperately to bring evil into the world, an evil that will accept them because deep down they are actual demons. Maybe their fans can be deprogrammed but these people aren't just interested in bad ideas they don't understand won't help them, they are the peddlers of hate and long gone from human help.

We don't yet know the location of Friday's toxic speech event. Why? Because a publicised location would mean a a big effort to force the venue not to let it go ahead, an effort that would work.  They have to tell the punters eventually though, so on Friday we'll know at some point and people will descend on the joint to shut it down, or if there are too many cops, make it very uncomfortable with a lot of noise. I will be there as part of Yelling At Racist Dogs Bloc and we will heap abuse on the punters arriving for the show. The abuse will feel very real and like the dipshits they are they will make a show of laughing it off, but we will know, for we will feel their shame.

We don't give a fuck what any of these ticket buying turkeys have to say about literally anything. Our shared opinion is that these racist fuckheads need to be yelled at with full force. I must add that we find the usual chanting useful for our own morale but not much good for destroying theirs. Yelling with all our might, we will make very clear indeed what a grand time we're having as we roar carefully handpicked abuse at their fucked heads. I so look forward to it. We've done this before and found it to be a tremendously enjoyable anti-racist activity.

This is the only shit that makes me proud of Melbourne. Amen.





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