End Times Blogging

Looks like now is a good time to change my name to Horrific Dogmeat and keep a house brick on me at all times and get a big veiny cock and balls tattooed right across my face and sort of have this whole edgy thing where I'm just nervously playing with my house brick like it's prayer beads and really just you know like cultivate a fucked vibe that I could wang out, go off tap, cut sick, just farkern start bashin' cunce an that. In readiness for the coming darkness that is. A man is gunna need a vibe to protect himself I reckon.

Failing a miraculous coming together of people in a very grassroots and real way, a coming together highly unlikely because of fake news, which we used to call propaganda which we used to call the news, we are up shit creek. Any fucking white maggot who owns anything is battening down the hatches and I was joking before about changing my appearance oh no I will go full normie and in my nice person disguise sneak into the homes of the rich and drive them out into the street at the end of a pointed stick. See how you like trying to deal with getting unemployment assistance, Trent! I own your home now, fuckface! How? Through the threat of violence, cunt! And don't try breaking into my home, I will defend it with your life. Obviously, "your life" is a bit of a play on words, but isn't it interesting that now that society is collapsing I finally have a life? And it's yours?

Middle class wankers most fear that their shit will be taken from them, so in the fifth most populous nation on Earth, Brazil, they have elected a Fascist President. They know he will commit mass murder and in their cowardly minds they are kind of sort of heroes for installing him. They are merely defending their families. They are heroes. They have installed a fascist leader and even pretended to be really, really, like really super really happy about it. I salute them. I Hitler salute them.

What with the Pittsburgh synagogue mass murder and Brazil falling to Fascism, I'm feeling a bit stumped. Gee. Gosh. What the hecking hey will we do now? Durr, I'll blog about it of course.

Hi Hitler!


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