First draft type thing

Climate change seems like a bit of fun eh? A bit of a lark? Bit of a chuckle? Who doesn't like a laugh? Let's not be party poopers, let's not bloody be the bummer dude telling everyone to go vegan, stop driving a car, don't walk anywhere because you're using leg miles that cost food energy that comes from earth juice that comes from a closed planetary system we're trapped the farts are coming closer I'm choking on bad world saving advice why is it all on me to change my totally bullshit spending habits. I have an iPhone what a hypocrite I am yeah I'll just get rid of my phone and my laptop and my television well I guess I could get rid of my television but I'm not going to because fuck off hippy we can't all live in a four day festival out in the bush where we go to great workshops run by other hippies about how to live the festival lifestyle.

You ever watched the Woodstock movie? What a bunch of annoying pricks. "Look at me, I'm nude!" Shut the fuck up. Actually, come to think of it, maybe the nude people were Europeans? They'll get nude at the drop of a hat. It's very cool. But I doubt it. Nude english as a first language hippies are possibly the most punchable substance on the Periodic table. One awful day I'm sitting there in a park and it's Occupy so of course a bunch of delightful young people are running around chasing leaves as they blow off the trees. Just skipping around giggling non competitively trying to land an elven forefinger on a leaf as it dances on the wind like a fucking arsehole. It all looked like a great argument for slavery and forced labour between the ages of 11 and 65. Hate. Hate hate hate.

At the other end of the climate justice fuckwit spectrum are the champs who want to get hardcore and engage in the kind of antics that result in being trounced by the pigs. In the middle are the centrists who set aside both lifestyle bullshit and very poor street tactics and focus 100% on not winning. I respect that. If we're gonna lose, let's just get to it.

Spoiler alert: this blog has no ending but the world looks like it does.


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