Toy Sword

So I'm out riding my bicycle and I stop at an intersection and there's a kid with a toy sword throwing a major tantrum. His dad is being super reasonable but after two seconds of myself wanting to punch this three year old's head into orbit I'm wondering why dad doesn't scream shut up! shut up! shut up! into the kid's face until it's a mask of saliva. Of course dad wants to be reasonable and do it all by the Parenting book. By the way, great word, Parenting, makes its sounds like a cluster of skills instead of people making shit up. Anyway, what with dad being reasonable, this kid is going to grow into a massive adult sized turd. And who gives a toy sword to a kid with anger management issues? And what's a three year old doing having anger issues? Life tough little buddy? Had to play all day for the 1,068th day running? Yeah. Brutal.

It felt good to hate this child and know in my heart the only way he'll ever be a decent human is if his parents die in a car accident. Knowing stuff feels good. It's a great antidote to feeling powerless in the face of a wave of shitcunts being spooged out onto the earth by people who want the best for their kids and therefore never tell them to shut their fucking holes.

"It's not the kid's fault, Sean." Yes thank you, you are an activist keeping society glued together by preaching tolerance of people who are terrible. "You're not a parent Sean, you don't know what it feels like." I also don't know what it's like to invade Iraq but I know it's wrong. Nothing could matter less than me not knowing what it feels like to be a parent. Next you'll tell me you're just following orders, which you are, because obvious frightened army of parents who are so terrified of fucking up that they are definitely fucking up is obvious.

That last sentence is so internet that I sentence myself to loneliness without children. Tricked you! It's great.



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