
Spent Saturday breathing dead-spider dust in the shed and needed something to take the edge off. Discovered a podcast called The Dollop. Gave me an idea for a podcast, which I started Sunday. It's not very good, but it's a start and it's called Showercast.

I am fixated on putting the least amount of effort into online content. If you're going to call it horrible words like "content" I am going to underextend myself to hang onto my dignity, thanks. You're welcome.

I think I burned out making six Sean Bedlam Episode episodes in a 24 hour period last week. I will assume that was a very short period of mild mania. The nextpisode will happen shortly, emphasis on "happen" because I am merely a conduit for my own brilliance, which I do own, so why am I giving it away for free online?

Went out to do a stand up spot last night and felt something lock into place. That's right, I got a comedy stiffy. Did that for free too. Been hanging my arse out onstage for six years for free.

I do all this shit for free to "build an audience" so that I may eventually, and this is long way down the track, ask them to crowdfund me going into a nursing home to die. Good plan. I'm a winner.



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