Thyme To Eat

I can feel it. I'm getting closer. Soon I will walk into Northcote Plaza and instead of walking right past Thyme To Eat while also ignoring the juice bar guy who I probably should just say hi to, or not, it's doesn't matter, probably, anyway, I will walk into Thyme To Eat and I will eat, for it will be thyme to eat. To be fair though, there is no 'walking into' Thyme To Eat, for this Northcote Plaza famous eatery simply opens out onto the air conditioned thoroughfare or whatever it's called. It is a cafe that has no view of the outside world. I assume the staff are all suicidal. One day there will be no one to pull up the roll-a-door.

How do people work all day in places that have no outside view. I mean, it's Northcote Plaza, so the view is not going to be incredible. But still. And also, how hard would it be to erect shade cloths so the carpark isn't an oven? But I can't be mad at you, Northcote Plaza, because your lack of pretension fucking heals the fuck out of me.

And how come all hairdressers shops have pun names but man hair cutting guys just call their barber type places their own name? No one cares, that's the answer. No one has ever seen the cafe called Thyme To Eat and thought, "Gee, that's clever." You have to call it something.

One day I will sit on a chair at Thyme To Eat and order something with Thyme in it and Eat it and a passerby will see me, someone I know, and we will make eye contact and they will know that I am eating in a cafe ironically and I will have completed my mission on Earth. The End.


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