Whose Streets?

There's going to be a rally in Melbourne 5:30 tomorrow and I am assuming there will be an insane number of insanely over-equipped cops there. I think we should tell those cops to fuck right off. Last week there were two rallies to pressure the powers that be into treating refugees like people. The Friday one was interrupted by an attention seeking nationalist idiot and this resulted in cops attacking and arresting human rights defenders. It was no good.

The Sunday rally was joined by another rally and led into a peaceful protest at the National Gallery then a march to the Flinders St intersection, where eventually the cops were convinced to stand down.
The negotiation went sort of like this, "As a cool gesture, how about you leave us alone, seeing how you blew through so much goodwill on Friday by assaulting people." The cops agreed to stand down and it was a good result. It shows that if people dig their heels in they can make changes.

Negotiating this sort of cessation of hostilities was great because we really need to be able to occupy the streets if we're going to make any adjustments to our terrible civilisation. We need to put pressure on the powers that be and they need to let us, or all they're doing is running a police state and everyone loses.




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