This image and text appears directly in the centre of your innocent face when you look at the website of one of Melbourne's major newspapers, The Age. I do not know what it's about but I can make a guess, gang. The world you have created, or are maintaining, or are pretending isn't there, or that you know you can do nothing about, or that you L.O.V.E like you love ten year old boys is a nightmare. We are in Hell and Death is Christmas because we leave this shitheap behind forever when we stop breathing in this poisonous kiddie-fiddling air.

One odd immediate reaction I'm struggling with is that I find him super punchable. That is a punchable head and it's only ten. Apart from the makeup, what is he doing with his face? Upon clicking the link will I discover that he loves dress-ups and that's all this is? Probably, but I don't care, because kids playing dress-ups for adults to admire and judge and reward is twisted. This child's face is for sale. Here's a suggestion: why don't we take a break from trafficking in kids for a few millennia? I know, I'm ranting! I should relaaaaaax.

I will kill you all.



  1. Cuntless fuckfaces everywhere in this demented fucken shithole of a society. One squelch away from the primordial miasmic cesspool from whence we sleazed out of.


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