Important Distinction Rebellion

I've been interacting online with Extinction Rebellion people here in Melbourne, Australia and I have some things. My things are that XR is doing everything backwards and is attracting people who aren't going to learn activism, they're going to be burned out and walk away in bitterness and despair. Instead of filling the jails to make the system burst open, people's live will be filled with the shock of being manhandled and processed by cops, dragged through the justice system and then targeted by the powers that be for the rest of their lives. Because going up against the powers that be changes you and no amount of philosophising can change that. XR as it will burn out hundreds of thousands of people because it gives participants no path to victory. Do you know that activists win stuff all the time? So why are XR Thought Leaders acting as gatekeepers who exclude experienced activists who have all sorts of good shit to teach newcomers? What we're seeing so far is newcomers behaving like fanatics who want no knowledge of the movements that already exist. There's nothing wrong with not knowing stuff, but for fucks sake clean out your ears. My interactions with XR people have too often consisted of them telling me I need to buy their book from Amazon, consist of them treating any questions about how they are organising as an attack, consist of attacks on the character of anyone who has shown enough character to keep asking, instead of telling these XR shitheads to fuck off. In my time doing the activisms these are the smuggest, nastiest, stupidest newcomers I've come across. And this bullshit occurs because the principles of XR include a lot of mealy mouthed shit, the major spokespeople can't talk in a straight line, it's about branding over substance, so the brave people who can stomach all that shit and try anyway are often outnumbered by total fucksticks who live for bullshit. XR has got it backwards: it's so called principles are in fact a list of ways to indulge bullshit. Yes, civil disobedience, no, not randomly blocking streets to have a cringe party. I want XR to succeed, but the middle class head up arseness may have too much suction. Call the fire brigade some white saviors are trapped up their own holes.


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