Sh*t Xunts

I am a shit eater. Since Occupy my job has been to eat bad activist's shit. But this isn't about my endless need for breath mints, it's about Extinction Rebellion and it's seeming mission to create armies of bad activists who will have bad experiences and go back to their lives bitter and wanting the planet to burn.
In my current role as eater of Extinction Rebellion shit I have been called angry, judgemental, a failure, angry, part of a vile concerted campaign to attack XR leaders and accuse them of being nazis, frightening, angry, stupid, a troll, a whinger, a whiner, and all this name calling is of course very cool. Well done, rebels.

Why do Extinction Rebellion people tell anyone with an enquiry to come to a meeting or read a book? Why the pat answers? Do XR people just not know how to put XR principles into their own words? Have they been told, at a meeting, to behave like this, as bizarre gatekeepers who will only point curious people further into a weird relationship that is hard to get out of? Because that is what cults do and that's what it looks like.

There is a collision of traumatic events occurring everywhere but XR does not seem to want acknowledge this terrible intersection of human tragedy.
They have made climate change a wankers issue.
XR people think they are going to win over the police, which is narcissism.
I believe XR needs to be taken over by the people who are drawn to it and the XR ideas about non violence must be thrown out along with every other middle class fantasy of changing the world without touching it or getting any of it on you. I believe normal people are impressed by practical people and the current crop of festival minded unicyclists and Burning man burnouts are not that.

I am making these videos critical of XR because I'm interested in activism in Australia. XR- from the UK- is here to colonise Australia. Again.Why the fuck would we import ideas wholesale from our coloniser? What the fuck do middle class white English people who shop organic have to do with the local context? How does get fucked sound? I would have thought people who have to live here should have a say in how XR operates here. Do we not have any ideas? Is Australia a land empty of history and we need whinging Poms to tell us how to operate? Again I say get fucked.


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