Occupy Extinction Rebellion
A big lesson from Occupy was to forever after ignore anything hippies say or do, but then Extinction Rebellion came along and made this impossible. Horrible. As a caucasian destined to only ever experience fleeting moments of coolness, interacting with hippies or boomer brained freaks is pure claustrophobia to me. There is no communicating with people who have realised they are amazing. There are problems with XR that need to be addressed but house cats with a bone deep need to join a cult and be heroes have reacted extraordinarily intensely to any non dreamlike questions about tactics and strategy. I'm not saying XR is Scientology for people who have never lifted a finger for anyone else in their life. But the deep bitterness a lot of these instant champions feel about not being seen as saviours is classic excitedly clueless tourist. I'm not saying XR is a CIA operation, mostly because middle class people can be so extraordinarily full of shit that it feels like you're hallucinating. These shape shifting trend followers could be anything and nothing. My hope is there will be an Extinction Rebellion Rebellion and movements that already exist will be welcomed as allies, that the examples of Hong Kong and the diversity of tactics there will no longer be ignored and anarchists and socialists and every kind of leftist will be welcomed and encouraged to share our collective experience of fighting for climate justice. And don't get me started on the failure to engage with First Nations people and their 100,000 years of experience
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