Is there anything more offensive than a foreigner?

When I was growing up all the fish’n’chip shops were run by Greeks and people loved being offended that the Greeks would be speaking Greek in their own place of business. The idea was, “What if they’re talking about us?” Because if you’re working another long day in a hot fish’n’chip shop in the middle of summer your customers are going to be so fascinating. I mean, what could be more interesting than someone who trudges into a chip shop, someone who’s just had this electric conversation, “What do you feel like eating tonight?”
Cutting edge stuff, humanity at it’s finest, pure fucking gossip fodder. I was an outsider so I hung out with wogs and dagos and they were me mates, just as much as the dumb skip cunts I went to school with, the whingeing pommy cunts, and the kids who magically fit in and knew what the rules were. It was the dumb skip cunts who didn’t understand anything who were most paranoid about wogs speaking Greek. But that’s the working class for you: deadset bunch of arseholes.

Every racist fucktard reckons he’s just realistic and everyone should lighten up. Get it? 'Lighten up'. 

Anyway, mustn't grumble. I'm white, so whether I'm racist or not there'll always be a fresh batch of foreigners to serve me a up a minimum of chips. 


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