
Showing posts from August, 2019

David Koch. Dead.

One of the Koch brothers has died due to b eing ancient evil and is described as a conservative donor and philanthropist, yes, and Hitler was a n author who loved his companion animals. When I saw this long thin turd had been flushed , part of my celebration wa s to do a quick search about his awful activities. R efresh ing my memory with a quick read made me want to desecrate his corpse. B eing incredibly rich seemed to ma k e David Koch extremely angry and he threw money at an ything that might make life worse for ordinary people. Sadly h is brother is still alive to continue their mission to dismantle society . Why do rich people who are alive hate us so much? Why are they trying to kill us? What d id we do to them? They don't have real problems, they are untouchable, laws don't exist for them, what else do they want? Rich people want to see most of the earth in ruins because it would make their privilege even sweeter. Climate change doe...

The Amazon Vs Facebook

“The Amazon is burning down thanks to Mark Zuckerberg. Facbook owns Whatsapp, on which lies were shared like wildfire to create an environment where an open fascist Jair Bolsonaro could seize power in Brazil. So thanks to Mark Zuckerberg's nerd understanding of human behaviour, the Amazon is being burned to the ground. If there's any justice, Zuckerberg will one day be jailed for the rest of his life, which won't be long if the Amazon is murdered by right wing farmers, the Mark Zuckerbergs of land care. If we leave Zuckerberg's personality out of it- his non-existent personality- we are left with capitalism, which is a pyramid scheme. People who benefit from this bullshit have every reason to live in denial of it's bleak horror. But we are left with no choice but to face it front on. We who are looking at an extremely bleak future. Those of us without a safety net. Only protest can save us, but some say even that way is closed. They say the powers that be can s...

World War Me

“I was watching an old war movie and observing that nations at war with each other in World Wars One and Two weren't even taking a break from being mass murdering colonisers who usually attacked people who were different. They were horrible wars, but it's easy to see them as the so-called western world losing it's main focus. Any sane reading of their history involves a lot of mass murder and theft of land. It's such a subhuman, barely functioning, emotionally unstable bunch of arseholes. But usually they didn't all attack each other and focused instead on invading countries with very different cultures. I mean what is the point of going to war with people who are only slightly different than you? Anyway, I was enjoying watching American, French and British soldiers trying to murder Germans and thinking those first three groups also have an incredible lot of blood on their hands. I'm an Australian. There's only a thing called an “Australian” because of...

Mister Word Hole

I know a guy who used to be an extremely full on lefty, mister self righteous about it, mister Caring About Issues to the nth degree, but he's grown out of that. He's out of left politics, now he's just right about everything. He didn't mellow out like some softcock, no, he's hard at work right now, judging people who were him 5 years ago. Well, they weren't him, they just had to put up with his shit because they weren't hardcore enough for him. The guy who is so full tilt that a politics that is solely about people coming together to end all injustice was not enough. Leftism can attract people who a) are convinced of the orginality of their own insight and b) don't know what they're talking about. People who can talk for hours but only land on an actual point if you very helpfully prompt them. Mr Ex Lefty has got a great future ahead of him. Whatever he turns his hand to he'll instantly be an expert. And once everyone in his new circle agrees ...

Normaling Too Hard

Once again I'd like to thank some of my fellow white men for explaining to me that racism does not exist. Yes, racism doesn't exist, other than in the minds of foolish leftists, who are so irrelevant that you can't shut up about them. In your mind racism doesn't exist, but there are billions of leftists. We could call it the gamification of being extremely average. Your big mission is to broadcast how incedibly well adjusted you are. You win buddy, you think everything is fine. You did it! You solved the world's problems by not acknowledging them.You are a huge success at being normal. Now that you've defeated reality by refusing to accept it, you can do anything, be anything, as long as it never, ever involves talking about your feelings and always involves laughing at people who have feelings, even though you have feelings, but let's not talk about them because they are fucked up beyond recognition. Imagine being so the same as j...

Vast Body of Dads

What you're looking at right now is part a new series of videos to raise awareness of my opinions. Of course it's fun to have this many opinions but I'd also really like to thank the clueless rejects who have commented. Your inbred feedback is the cherry on top of the opinion having experience. While I'm perfectly happy being in a left wing echo chamber, your input, advice and insights are a bonus, sort of like when a blowhard holds forth and the rest of us make eye contact with each other as we enjoy another utter pill imploding as if purely for our pleasure. It's easy to feel like I'm quite self satisfied right now, because I am. I'm only human. Watching extremely normal bros walk into my chats with other leftists like I set a trap is fucking glorious. You don't even know we're not talking to you. I've got shit to do and it doesn't include desperately trying to convince basic bitches about basic shit. But, you are helping. ...

Racist Jerks

We live in a world where it's rude to interrupt racists. Reacting like a normal human being to their horrible behaviour is considered hateful. Racists crap on, sneakily attempting to express their racism in a way that gives them an out. They talk in circles, they don't quite come out and say what they are bursting to say and when they are questioned directly they attack the messenger personally. And normal people often let them off the hook because assuming the worst of another human being is what racists do. On our personal mission to be good people we let racists play with their dicks right in front of us. Of course I'm generalising. Just like a racist! I'm just as bad. Racism can be unlearned. Racists can be deprogrammed, but more importantly, racists can eat big handfuls of shit. I don't have time to have in depth chats with people who are lying to themselves. My life's goal is not to be talked into emotional burnout by some emotional burnout...

Are You A Cop?

I'm not saying most people are cops. Only roughly a billion times has a person in my life said such cop shit that I've wanted to go back to bed and sleep for nine years. What are some cop things to say? Here's one. “We have to do something!?” A mate said this to me after 9/11, explaining why it was fine to attack Afganistan, despite it being the wrong country and also you shouldn't invade countries. “We have to do something.” You fear stillness and quiet and waiting to do things properly because you are a cop, sergeant. Eat another donut. Another person I quietly avoid now, in defense of the war on terror, said “we need social order”. I remember feeling the word “we” was not right, because now there was no we. We need social order.  Collect your badge and your gun, you're a cop. Here's a classic. “We live in a beautiful country, be grateful”. This is what Australian natural born cops say to anyone who mentions the fact we live on stolen land....

Proud Australian

The first thing I saw today was a story about homeless Americans watching their wheelchairs being thrown into a garbage compactor and crushed. The last thing I saw last night was a story of 600 people being taken away from their children by the American gestapo. In between I had a lovely 7 hours sleep. Maybe I should have slept long long enough to arrive in a future where unspeakable cruelty isn't widely celebrated. Activists are often asked, well, what's your plan for a world that works? When you describe your version of paradise you are met with buffoonish naysaying. The person you're talking to suddenly transforms into an oversized anus that sucks in hope and shits out Ruining Christmas Uncle cliches. If you can't take the cruelty for one more minute you have no stamina. If you don't want to cheer on the cartoonish villainy you're a party pooper. If you call concentration camps what they are you are shockingly disloyal. But I'm just ...

Youtubers Union(!)

I am as excited about the Youtubers union as a little boy on christmas morning. The thought of having rights is mind blowing. The thought of Youtube being forced to treat people properly makes me cry wet tears of goddamed joy. I felt sad about youtube. Here was a space to share my extremely important insights that everyone should hear, but Youtube, like Facebook and Twitter is where you go to build an audience that is then carefully hidden from you. “Where is my audience? I'm sure I had one.” I won't go into how it all works, many others have tried to understand these complex systems, but what's the point, you can't game a system run by slippery little piggies. The only way to deal with out of control power is to attack it. Take youtube to court and use the law to strongarm them into acting like humans and not as a bloodsucking vampire operation. To those who say a Youtubers union won't work, I say I can't even tell what hole your voice is comin...

Radicalised on Youtube

"You were radicalised on youtube. Now you call it jewtube. You started out as an atheist with a slight racist edge to your disbelief. You had a lazy consumer's need to be part of something that was superior. You wanted a challenge. You wanted struggle. You got it all without lifting a finger. You currently get all your heroic journey needs from being anti-leftist, anti-feminist, anti-anything to do with human rights. Because you are all about human responsibility. You are a lone wolf, responsibly taking care of your obligations to yourself by being extremely online in spaces where you are surrounded by dudes who will accept anyone who is also a pathetic asshole. Hopefully one day you'll catch your own reflection as you're trying on a teeshirt with a tough guy slogan that lets everyone know you are permanently crying copious man baby tears. You will see yourself as only you can see yourself. Your minds eye will punch through the layers of super e...

Are Antifa Terrorists?

Are antifa a terrorist organisation? No dude. And you're almost always a stinky dude. Who is obsessed with manliness and is hilarious to look at from every angle. You smell, look and babble like someone who is afraid of every living thing. You can barely make eye contact with your own penis. You're scared of Antifascists, who aren't terrorising anyone and are not an organisation. If you're not antifascist you are a piece of shit, that's a thing. Anyone who sees a response to rising fascism and is mystified and concerned is a piss chugger. You drink litres of urine every day. You drink your own bathwater and jet it back out without making one eye contact so it gets all over your face and in the folds of your eyelids. Youtube is awash with turds loosely held together by cat hair who love to argue over the meaning of words. With piss dripping from their eyelids they are shockingly unable to see a thing for what it is. Antifascist actio...

Debating mass murder

An imaginary internet commenter who is a composite of a whole lot of pricks I've met on youtube addresses me about the Dayton mass shooting. “Hey man, that guy who shot his own sister because she was dating a black man was a leftist. Hey man, that guy who emptied bullets into a crowd of black people was a leftist. Hey man, that guy who hated women so much that killed his sister and hated black people so much that he killed black people was a leftist. Hey man, that extreme woman hater and extreme racist was a leftist. Hey man, that mass murderer whose hobby was playing rape music was a leftist. Hey man, that guy who made of listed of girls he wanted to rape and/or kill was a leftist. Hey man, you're a leftist, what do you have to say about your leftist buddy? Hey man, I have destroyed your narrative about racist mass murderers. Hey man, how do feel now? How do you feel now that I have destroyed you? How do you feel now that I have walked into your echo ...

Incel Graduation

Yesterday I made a video about an American mass shooting. While my video was uploading to youtube there was another mass shooting. There was a mass shooting a few days ago. All three shooters look like basically the same guy. They don't just all look like incels, they all look like each other. They are so similar in appearance that it doesn't seem real. The shootings are the same, the shooters look like they came from the same laboratory. The details are spookily according to a script and so is the reaction. “Politicising this event is divisive”. What event is more political than taking the lives of others? If it's not political what is it? I can't imagine a problem more suited to a political solution. “Don't say their names”. Another unthinking classic from the school of hard cliches. The shooters don't look like individuals but they are. We should know their story. To dismiss their manifestos as trolling is delusional. To suggest it...

El Paso Massacre

Another White Supremacist decides that his new hobby is murdering a lot of people. After driving hundreds of miles to kill people, he is without injury taken into custody by police. After committing mass murder he is gently scooped up by the cops, like a wounded bird. After shooting as many brown people as he can find, he is ushered into a police vehicle like he is a lost child. Another white supremacist, another race separatist, another pathetic nerd, another easily investigated, easily thwarted piece of shit. Another creepy little prick acting according to widely understood rules, norms and habits. Another incredibly easy to find and stop arsehole carries out his massive hate crime with impunity. Another garbage person whose bullshit motives are no mystery, whose actions can be predicted down to almost every detail, amazingly goes undetected in a nation that is mostly cops. Yeah okay.