David Koch. Dead.
One of the Koch brothers has died due to b eing ancient evil and is described as a conservative donor and philanthropist, yes, and Hitler was a n author who loved his companion animals. When I saw this long thin turd had been flushed , part of my celebration wa s to do a quick search about his awful activities. R efresh ing my memory with a quick read made me want to desecrate his corpse. B eing incredibly rich seemed to ma k e David Koch extremely angry and he threw money at an ything that might make life worse for ordinary people. Sadly h is brother is still alive to continue their mission to dismantle society . Why do rich people who are alive hate us so much? Why are they trying to kill us? What d id we do to them? They don't have real problems, they are untouchable, laws don't exist for them, what else do they want? Rich people want to see most of the earth in ruins because it would make their privilege even sweeter. Climate change doe...