Vast Body of Dads
What you're looking at right now is part a new series of videos to raise awareness of my opinions. Of course it's fun to have this many opinions but I'd also really like to thank the clueless rejects who have commented. Your inbred feedback is the cherry on top of the opinion having experience. While I'm perfectly happy being in a left wing echo chamber, your input, advice and insights are a bonus, sort of like when a blowhard holds forth and the rest of us make eye contact with each other as we enjoy another utter pill imploding as if purely for our pleasure.
It's easy to feel like I'm quite self satisfied right now, because I am. I'm only human. Watching extremely normal bros walk into my chats with other leftists like I set a trap is fucking glorious. You don't even know we're not talking to you. I've got shit to do and it doesn't include desperately trying to convince basic bitches about basic shit. But, you are helping.
We get it, you are so extremely normal and having such a good and normal time that cries of despair about injustice are embarassing and gay to you. You can't see why people won't just get on with the business of living. You think leftists are people who can't cope with reality. Which is interesting because you don't live in reality, you live in a simulation created by your overlords. And you probably think I mean that literally, which I do. Keep the comments coming they're amazing evidence of just how stunted a dude gets if he becomes his own dad extremely prematurely.
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