Mister Word Hole
I know a guy who used to be an extremely full on lefty, mister self righteous about it, mister Caring About Issues to the nth degree, but he's grown out of that. He's out of left politics, now he's just right about everything. He didn't mellow out like some softcock, no, he's hard at work right now, judging people who were him 5 years ago. Well, they weren't him, they just had to put up with his shit because they weren't hardcore enough for him. The guy who is so full tilt that a politics that is solely about people coming together to end all injustice was not enough.
Leftism can attract people who a) are convinced of the orginality of their own insight and b) don't know what they're talking about. People who can talk for hours but only land on an actual point if you very helpfully prompt them.
Mr Ex Lefty has got a great future ahead of him. Whatever he turns his hand to he'll instantly be an expert. And once everyone in his new circle agrees that no one understands anything that comes out of his word hole, he can move on to a new field of endeavour. Tirelessly collecting achievements, a renaissance man, this King of Opinions will move through life never having to actually learn anything, which, you know well done mate. It's a bullshit world, there doesn't actually have to be any point to you. Wander around spouting nonsense. Don't wear underpants. Carry a twisted old tree branch and act like a wizard. No one knows what a wizard is supposed to act like, the field is wide open. And don't just be right about everything, fuck it, why not be a genius? Write a book about it. Or don't write a book, you're right, people don't deserve your book.
'I've just realised climate change is going to bring tons of these fuckheads out of the woodwork. Hang onto your brain cells folks, we're about to experience a huge flood of dickheads. Thanks for listening to my confusion.
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