El Paso Massacre

Another White Supremacist decides that his new hobby is murdering a lot of people. After driving hundreds of miles to kill people, he is without injury taken into custody by police. After committing mass murder he is gently scooped up by the cops, like a wounded bird. After shooting as many brown people as he can find, he is ushered into a police vehicle like he is a lost child.
Another white supremacist, another race separatist, another pathetic nerd, another easily investigated, easily thwarted piece of shit. Another creepy little prick acting according to widely understood rules, norms and habits. Another incredibly easy to find and stop arsehole carries out his massive hate crime with impunity.

Another garbage person whose bullshit motives are no mystery, whose actions can be predicted down to almost every detail, amazingly goes undetected in a nation that is mostly cops. Yeah okay.


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