Pipe of Epicness

Bolivian leader Evo Morales has stepped down with a gun to his head and fled to Mexico but mainstream media refuse to call it a coup.
A democratically elected leader steps down under threat of death to himself, loved ones and followers and mainstream media can't call it what it is.
News of the Hong Kong uprising is routinely reported from the point of view of the police.
People in 9 more countries are rising.
But the supposedly sensible news outlets of this world are never, ever on the side of the people.
The occasional story slips through, but then it's right back to the Marvel blockbuster view that brave police are trying to contain unrest, as if freedom is a chemical spill that will destroy the world if it's not contained.
Everywhere we see that the people are not to be trusted with their own future.
I believe people are fucking idiots but that's because our heads are pumped full of shit by the people in charge.
And watching intellectuals talking about any of this usually puts me to sleep.
We need to smash the machine that fills the air with garbage.
The machine isn't society, the system isn't humanity, it's an open air jail and I direct a wanking gesture at it because that's all it's worth.

There is a very long list of people who may well be crushed if there isn't worldwide soldarity.
I expect to be crushed too if we don't rise up as people are doing all over the world.
And being on that list is the only place to be.
Australia is a place people come to for safety, is the story, but in that comfort an authoritarianism is growing fast.
And we might have to rely on the news for our news, we shouldn't rely on it for the truth.
It's not going to tell the truth about what is happening to us and what we're trying to do.


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