Death to All of the Above
I've just recovered from getting a booster shot and the world appears to be ending. So I wrote this on twitter:
"Powermaggots will let hordes of people become disabled, put them on the cashless welfare card, then really start fucking them over. See the history of the British Empire. It's routine to use disasters as an opportunity to crush dissent. Time to have a peek into the abyss folks."
When I go to the beach there is a lot of parking work; a lot of backing a car out while making fairly sure that tired kids who've been in the sun for hours don't go under my wheels. This dance of near death plays out at beach car parks all summer and the casualties are minimal. Why? Beachgoing drivers are aware of the situation and they act accordingly. But on a building site or in a loading dock, vehicles make an aggravating beeping sound as they reverse. Why? Because those are businesses and if businesses can prove that "safety" measures are in place, they are less liable when a tired worker is crushed by an exhausted driver. I mean, I think so. Because right now public safety doesn't seem to matter. At all.
My point(?) is that safety measures that are annoying may or may not be necessary, but people are definitely capable of keeping the most vulnerable of us alive if it's in our power to do so.
Whatever power we had is being taken away from us. The powers that be have purposely sabotaged our efforts. Whether people die or not in the process is not even their point, they need to gut civil society to the advantage of high society. They don't see us an enemy, we're just boring to them. These are serious people. We should crucify them upside down I guess? I'm hazy on the legality, it's probably about doing it when the mood has shifted and ideas of good taste have changed.
The people in charge started talking about "going back to normal" about a week into the pandemic. Media cocks went with this in a big way. It was not the government's job to look after us, we should be personally responsible. But it was much more twisted than that. We should get back to giving our lives for the economy. They very clearly said that vulnerable people were a special class that we could just let go into the arms of death. Try that in a carpark on Sydney's northern beaches and see how these elite commentators like seeing their kids being let go with a tow bar to the head. Sorry Darryl, Phyn was vulnerable.
The elite wanker class have hoodwinked themselves and others and when secretly anti-vaxxer Serco employees are barking wellness advice at people who are dying in a queue none of these victims will be the affluent wankers who are destroying our world. When I say world I don't mean planet, I just mean our fucking universe, everything we care about and need. I'm an artist and activist who failed high school, so I'm going to see a lot of the people I need go under the wheels of the rich wanker convenience machine. God I hope they shoot me in the head. Let's not drag it out.
The powers that be put near infinite time and energy into crushing dissent. It doesn't actually matter what anyone thinks of this, it's like having strong opinions in prison, you are powerless and you have no voice. You are alone. The only time you are not alone is when you stick your neck out along with some other people. Hopefully you'll form one big thick neck that's harder to chop through? It'll still be gross though.
It's so obvious that when sMarT pEoPLe on opinion pages talk about acceptable levels of death that they're not talking about themselves. They're insulated by home delivery, their holiday homes, their incomes are protected, their shit is insured, they are at fuck all risk of being exposed because they are in a fucking bubble of fucking affluence.
These worthless rat maggot dog shitcunts, who are all lovely people, have acted in solidarity to undermine every natural, organic, commonsense instinct for self preservation and communal responsibility. They have talked about us as if we are an economy. They have excused the obvious failures, and evil intentions, of government. They undermine anything that looks like a community response, unless it's some bullshit driveway performance of gratitude for the healthcare workers they crywank about. Stand in that same driveway and hand over your car keys to the next delivery rider, you stay-at-home fucktoads. I hope your appendix bursts and you scream yourself to death in your four wheel drive in a hospital car park.
You yuppy pricks have invested heavily in a scheme of polite cunt mass murder and now my only remaining hope is we take you down with us. You fuckin the-kids-are-going-to-save-us-from-climate-change parasites. The kids are going to play with your blood.
How was everyone else's break?
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