United States of Parents

Just when we’re bored with the USA, along comes the worst and most reliably entertaining American of all: the parent. Many American parents slobber to exert all sorts of black magic over not only their children, but all children. Gaze upon these freaks as they snake their way onto a school board. Observe that these breeders are the most gleefully committed child abuse network on the planet. Yes, a school board is essentially a coven of demented witches wreaking havoc on the minds of little kiddies, though I’m sure there are school boards dominated not by book banning energy drink lords, but by their nightmare opposite, breakfast smoothie fence sitters.

Horrible parents have banned another important book and I say, keep going. Let’s see how far this goes before nauseating fence sitters- well, there is no before and after for fence sitters, there is only the endless now of risk averse nothingness- do worse than nothing. No nation, not even the US, is actually overrun by grinning morons, but these units will continue to run the show as long as centrists and otherwise shockingly normal doormats continue to pathetically tolerate monstrous abuse of power by baby hitlers.

The thing about fence-sitters is that onto their emptiness it is the most normal thing in the world to project all sorts of sinister shit. I know I do. I assume people who are outraged about book banning, but who will do absolutely nothing real about it, would make fine prison guards, or more likely, highly valued collaborators and informants. As long as the howlingly lightweight middle class show us nothing, we should expect the worst from them.

The bad news isn’t that books are being banned, the bad news is the superficial response. A poorly thought out school burning would be much better.

Across the world, there are people who care about issues. They have feelings about issues. Some may even have a bumper sticker on their Subaru about an issue! That’s commitment. But they do own a car and a house and a holiday house and they want to put their kids through, sadly, racist school, and then further corporate demon education and then of course they want to buy their child’s first car and set them up for life with continuing monetary assistance and so you see they can’t take the risk of fighting fascism because they love their kids. Yes, be sure to guarantee your child a spot in a guard tower, Daryl.

Burn a school because it's a hotbed of white supremacy. Secure your child's future.  


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