Maggot Colony

 Now that the world has ended I can focus on my hobbies. But has it really ended? Let's look at the evidence. 

Tonga has been buried under volcanic ash and battered by shockwaves of tsunami and for at least the first day it was like no one in Australia noticed. You'd think wall-to-wall coverage would result, but no, apparently a VOLCANO! attacking a country (of which 10% of it's population lives in Australia) is not interesting enough to chuck onto the forever-on giant plasma screens of this same cuntry. Instead, as fanatically inward looking as ever, Australia had no questions about our good mate's pressing volcano problem. 
I'm not saying the mainstream media here represents the soul of Australia- we don't have one- but there's probably a lot of people who'd like to know what is happening and how to help. Imagine if people had a voice or say in anything, ever. Like, even once. I'd like to use the words "collective soul" here to flesh out this idea but Collective Soul are a band who were just big enough and derivative enough to make those words sound cheesy. To be honest I regret this collective soul sidetrack and can't wait to get back into talking about how the world has ended.
The world has ended and I present as evidence the fact that a part of the world lots of people care about can be attacked by a VOLCANO! and there isn't much of a reaction. The sound of the blast can be heard hundreds of kilometres away, power and telecommunications for 100,000 people can be shut off, the explosion can be the largest volcanic eruption recorded by a satellite and the apathetic response of it's nearest giant neighbour is that of a civilisation that is already dead. 
Australia is the world's second largest USA. We don't have the population but we manage to be big and empty on a world scale. Don't even talk to me. Get back to me when you give a fuck about anyone but yourselves ya dogz. I'll bash ya. I'll fucken.  
Again, though, the mainstream media isn't the Australian people, the mainstream media is merely what Australians pay big dollars to have always-on in their kitchens, loungerooms and bedrooms on giant screens.  It's merely the machine that tells us what we believe. And we do believe it. Oh, I know there are annoying bleeding hearts who "care" about "issues", but they are cringe right? Ah, what do I care? The world has ended and I can focus on my hobbies, which are various but include trying to find ways to smash this dog system in it's snake mouth so it collapses into maggots or whatever.
I hope you're well, give my best to the fam.


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