Good, clean national self loathing

 Good, clean national self loathing

I am thinking deeply obvious thoughts about Australia, the fake place. 

What's fake about Australia? Australia's fakeness is that it's a quarry, an ever-deepening hole in the ground, that calls itself a nation. It's fakeness is that cancer-prone aliens landed here and called the place their property. It seems too obvious to point out that the ways of the invaders run contrary to the wishes of people who've lived here many tens of thousands of years. It seems obvious to say that for many tens of thousands of years people cared properly for this land. 

The wreckage of this land. The pollution. The brain-death visited upon this land. It seems a touch obvious to say the usurping civilisation has been found well and truly wanting.

An invasive species of thought. An invasive species of ritual sacrifice of the other to please the self. An invasive species of manic self involvement. Invasive, neurotic, busybodyish habits of mind and of interaction with others. Habits of wanton misuse of others. Habits of casual dismissal of the needs of others. Habitual, cold blooded assessment of the usefulness of others.

The habits of a pyramid scheme were brought to this land and the looting will continue as long as us white, crumbling, nature-strip pieces of dogshit fail to face up to our history. It's a tough one, because settler colonial champs practice the worst form of ancestor worship, rooted as it is in self flattering propaganda about the radical awesomeness of our tough guy oldsters. 

Built into the colonial machine is a self sucking factor that slobbers across all our entertainment, news and opinion. Our storytelling is rife with this bullshit, it is putrid with the brain rot of zombie logic. (I was going to add a bit about Australia's living-dead dick breaking off in it's own mouth while it's sucking itself off but who needs that image in their head? I do guys. I do. It's helping me unpack problems.)

This is a civilisation that is forever seeking to create more dead people. A civilisation that has zero respect for its old people, who in this equation are merely the nearly dead. It creates people who might as well be dead. It creates people with zero self-or-other respect.  It's polite society, the elite, openly talk of allowing a pandemic to wipe out so-called vulnerable people.

It hyper-redundant to point out that a civilisation that would invade a land against the wishes of it’s inhabitants, only to populate it with people who don't give a rats about their elders is by definition a civilisation of sub-optimal cockheads.

In this civilisation if you manage to be good person, well good for you, but what are you going to do with your goodness? It's not enough to do no harm, our presence here is a harm. 

As a settler you have a responsibility to think about how you are going to properly belong to a place where you don't belong.

I’m listening to metal while I write so this all feels extraordinarily gargantuan. Take care now.


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