
Showing posts from 2019

Surviving Xmas

Christmas is coming and that means making big deci sions about what you're gonna do on the day. I recommend staying home and inviting friends and acquantances around t o experience togetherness, instead of the feeling of being oppressed by hideously ingrown family bullshit . Y ou can drink and eat and drink and drink heavily and drink and no one will question your life choices and you can also drink as much a s you want. Not a bad deal is it? I'm not saying you have to divorce your parents, because setting yourself free of the police state that is the nuclear family is not for everybody. Not all of us are ready to live a life free of actually-life-threatening blood ties. For us practioners of Good Christmas, a s you're eating delicious chops and snags and laughing with mates about how police horse s are arseholes, you'll feel a weight lift off your shoulders because you chose the path of enlightened self interested instead of giving your police h...

Conservative Cat Humans

I saw the trailer for Cats and it was so bad I wanted to make art about it. Pop culture under capitalism is often a series of very public abortions that somehow implicate everybody. I look at this shit and wonder why the kind of dreams I have when I ate too much before bed are on a screen. The trailer for Cats looks like people with no self awareness deep down wanted to make a horror movie. It looks like it's supposed to kill brain cells. It looks like a black magic curse that will damn you to wanting to fuck your cat. The sound of a scrotum being peeled off a vinyl couch would be sexier. I can't comment on the comedic aspects without triggering feelings of wanting to die. Cats is an Andrew Loyd Weber joint, he's the Spike Lee of making a musical about a fascist's wife. Conservatives can make good art, but when it's bad you feel like it's your urgent mission to take down a ring of child traffickers. When conservatives make bad art yo...

Abolish The Police

Unrest around the world. Clashes with police. There's so much happening and the police are always there, making whatever is happening much worse. Some people believe cops are necessary. Because their brother is a cop and my cop brother says oh yeah it's disgusting when protesters are brutalised, I don't like it at all. If only we could harness that “I was talking to my cop brother” energy. The raw and intense power of a cop saying self serving things to people who want to think well of him. What a force for change that could be. All around the world, cops are whining to their families. What a revolution. I get goosebumps. People will tell you politicians are a necessary evil, but people also unconditionally love cops. As if they're a tribe of magical creatures holding back evil with just the purity of their hope. But w e sh ould disband the police. They don't do anything. Abolish the police. J ust yesterday the New South Wales...

Bootlickers Ball- Victoria State Labour Conference 2019

Mere days after State Premier Daniel Andrews angrily applauded violent police, protesters created a healing and cleansing walk of shame for conference attendees.

Pipe of Epicness

Bolivian leader Evo Morales has stepped down with a gun to his head and fled to Mexico but mainstream media refuse to call it a coup. A democratically elected leader steps down under threat of death to himself, loved ones and followers and mainstream media can't call it what it is. News of the Hong Kong uprising is routinely reported from the point of view of the police. People in 9 more countries are rising. But t he supposedly sensible news outlet s of this world are never, ever on the side of the people. The occasional story slips through, but then it's right back to the Marvel blo c kbuster view that brave police are trying to contain unrest, as if freedom is a chemical spill that will destroy the world if it's not contained. Everywhere we see that the people are not to be trusted with their own future. I believe people are fucking idiots but that's because our heads are pumped full of shit b y the people in charge. And w atching intell...

Rumours in Dickland

In Australia right wing figures spout off, their saliva spray is repeated by idiots on social media and this is then discussed on all the morning TV shows as if any of it is real. It's an evil rumour factory and the truth, facts and even questions are not welcome. Of course you can ask questions, but you can't step take a step back and ask the question, “Are we all talking shit?” Anyone who asks that question is a silly monkey, because there is no money in hanging onto to the truth. Terrifying bushfires have launched many Australians into a bitchfest of epic proportions. Their heads filled with rumours, they will blame the situation on anyone as long as it's no one in power. It's amazing how disciplined they are. For people who shit in their own hands they're very careful about who they throw it at. It's almost as if these foaming at the mouth knobheads aren't insane. It's as if they somehow know exactly what they're doing. In Australia...

Burning Australia

Yesterday was the first time since invasion that no rain fell anywhere in Australia. Thanks to the racism of invasion, land management practices honed over tens of thousands of years have been ignored and the country may as well now be extensively rigged with explosives. Climate change plus the colonial practices of draining land of all life, today leaves a city of 6 million people at risk of devastation. The fire won't burn all of Sydney, but no part of it is safe. People will be fleeing disaster on roads that follow paths maintained by first nations people for thousands of years. People will be running for their lives on land that has only become dangerous thanks to invader stupidity. Invader stupidity has it's own traditions: never look to the cause of a problem, always blame a scapegoat, keep doing what you're doing because that's how we farkern do it and of course during a disaster get very angry at anyone pointing out why it's happenin...

A Country I Love

A little poem about the country I love. Why is Australia so shit? Australians love cops despite considering themselves practical cowboys with big individual dicks. In a country like France, in a city like Paris, it's normal for protesters to fight the cops, but when was the last time that happened here? Australians love to think of themselves as no bullshit legends who wouldn't dream of a breaking a rule or a law but here in Melbourne our public transport system is it's own police state and punters just go along with it. The Aussie who is irreverant and has a bloody laugh is usually just a bully whose found an easy target. We celebrate shitcunts who would be bashed to death on any other continent. Australia is the driest continent on Earth and the biggest circle jerk on the planet. When I was a kid I thought Australians were up for anything, but that was all propaganda, we are as inward looking as Americans, militantly unaware of anything real an...

Cop Hat

Last week I took the hat off a policeman's head and my only regret is I didn't have time to shit in it. This cop with his own special little hat was one of many public servants assaulting p eople outside a mining industry conference. Victoria Police, an unaccountable tribe so up their own hole that when they see themselves brutally attacking protesters on TV they say, “Look, daddy's on TV!” If my home was robbed I would call a cop and it would make me feel dirty. As climate change grips the planet, sociopathic institutions defend psychopathic businesses and us people have to find ways to fight both them and a conservative Australian public that has a large screen TV in every room in the house.  The mining industry is a mass murdering horror show so of course Victoria Police protected that conference like it was their own inbred child. The police used chemical weapons like they were trying to beat a world record. C ops were using batons on ...

Rando Rebellion

So what do Extinction Rebellion thought leaders make of the hordes of online commenters shitting on the diminutive child activist Greta from Sweden? Do you have a plan to win these people over? Because these wankers somehow don't find a determined tiny angry pixie adorable so what are your chances? When you block traffic. When you turn their daily commute into a nightmare are people going to emerge from their vehicles wearing flowing robes to bless you? Are arseholes in traffic who find themselves trapped in traffic going to have a spiritual traffic moment and realise they are were wrong all this time? Oh yes I see it now. “I am looking at blissed out self righteous folk who have obviously never been bullied. I want to be them. People who have never been punched, slapped or kicked are my role models. People who've never been told to shut up or fuck off are my leaders. I must join them at once.” I'm saying as an act of radical self care you want to ...

Vacation Rebellion

My view of Extinction Rebellion until recently was that cringey middle class people were using their privilege in the only way they could imagine : by throwing lame street parties, giving themselves trophies for turning up and lifetime achievem ent awards for surviving the greatest boom in couch potatoism in human history. I thought that's horrible, I hate it, but at least they're going to be brutalised by the cops and experience enlightenment. However, when XR Victoria here in Australia made an apology to and thanked the police my mind was opened to new galaxies of foolishness. BTW i f you think this is harsh, the firs t draft of this piece began, “ In the fourth in this series about climate justice and Extinction Rebellion I explore my profound grief and dismay upon learning Boomers in XR are calling themselves “Elders”. Boomers who have done fuck all but feather their own nests are Elders of a Rebellion now? You fucking old greyheaded cunts.” ...

Sh*t Xunts

I am a shit eater. Since Occupy my job has been to eat bad activist's shit. But this isn't about my endless need for breath mints, it's about Extinction Rebellion and it's seeming mission to create armies of bad activists who will have bad experiences and go back to their lives bitter and wanting the planet to burn. In my current role as eater of Extinction Rebellion shit I have been called angry, judgemental, a failure, angry, part of a vile concerted campaign to attack XR leaders and accuse them of being nazis, frightening, angry, stupid, a troll, a whinger, a whiner, and all this name calling is of course very cool. Well done, rebels. Why do Extinction Rebellion people tell anyone with an enquiry to come to a meeting or read a book? Why the pat answers? Do XR people just not know how to put XR principles into their own words? Have they been told, at a meeting, to behave like this, as bizarre gatekeepers who will only point curious people further...

Occupy Extinction Rebellion

A big lesson from Occupy was to forever after ignore anything hippies say or do, but then Extinction Rebellion came along and made this impossible. Horrible. As a caucasian destined to only ever experience fleeting moments of coolness, interacting with hippies or boomer brained freaks is pure claustrophobia to me. There is no communicating with people who have realised they are amazing. There are problems with XR that need to be addressed but house cats with a bone deep need to join a cult and be heroes have reacted extraordinarily intensely to any non dreamlike questions about tactics and strategy. I'm not saying XR is Scientology for people who have never lifted a finger for anyone else in their life. But the deep bitterness a lot of these instant champions feel about not being seen as saviours is classic excitedly clueless tourist. I'm not saying XR is a CIA operation, mostly because middle class people can be so extraordinarily full of shit that it feels like you're...

Important Distinction Rebellion

I've been interacting online with Extinction Rebellion people here in Melbourne, Australia and I have some things. My things are that XR is doing everything backwards and is attracting people who aren't going to learn activism, they're going to be burned out and walk away in bitterness and despair. Instead of filling the jails to make the system burst open, people's live will be filled with the shock of being manhandled and processed by cops, dragged through the justice system and then targeted by the powers that be for the rest of their lives. Because going up against the powers that be changes you and no amount of philosophising can change that. XR as it will burn out hundreds of thousands of people because it gives participants no path to victory. Do you know that activists win stuff all the time? So why are XR Thought Leaders acting as gatekeepers who exclude experienced activists who have all sorts of good shit to teach newcomers? What we're seeing so far is...

No Platform Your Way To Success

Yelling At Racist Dogs was born insulting people going to a Milo Yiannopoulos event and two years later Milo is begging for coins and Yelling At Racist Dogs has just sold out six live shows. Poor Milo, relying on ticket sales from people throwing money at the problem of not having a soul. I remember their faces and the one who did a nazi salute and possibly even worse, the smugness. We saw this smugness again at a Jordan Peterson event. It's the look of people who can afford tickets to a show about why they're special. They know they're privileged and know their creature comforts come at the expense of others and then a hero comes along and frees them from their conscience. But all of these people are going to drift away because having no integrity is only sustainable if you're getting paid for it. If being garbage costs money you'll stop. And the wankers getting paid for it, Milo, Jordan, have to keep up a steady flow of bullshit and it's crushing to hav...

David Koch. Dead.

One of the Koch brothers has died due to b eing ancient evil and is described as a conservative donor and philanthropist, yes, and Hitler was a n author who loved his companion animals. When I saw this long thin turd had been flushed , part of my celebration wa s to do a quick search about his awful activities. R efresh ing my memory with a quick read made me want to desecrate his corpse. B eing incredibly rich seemed to ma k e David Koch extremely angry and he threw money at an ything that might make life worse for ordinary people. Sadly h is brother is still alive to continue their mission to dismantle society . Why do rich people who are alive hate us so much? Why are they trying to kill us? What d id we do to them? They don't have real problems, they are untouchable, laws don't exist for them, what else do they want? Rich people want to see most of the earth in ruins because it would make their privilege even sweeter. Climate change doe...