Piss On George Brandis

Attorney General George Brandis has unloaded the possibly unflushable nugget that Australians have a right to be bigots.  This is going to be a hard one to kill because so many Australians have so much to gain from hanging onto their shitty opinion that anyone with a different opinion is not to be tolerated.

Bigotry, the intolerance of any view other than one's own, a source of strength, a reward for it's own soullessness, the ultimate prize of the peabrained arsehole, that cretinous pustule-man most suited to denuding this land of it's forests and cracking it open for it's hidden gems and deadly fuels.
The arsehole has reigned supreme across this fucking land for 200 years, ploughing a furrow and planting seeds of hate that are only now blossoming to choke the descendants of the very people who invaded. We are reaping the benefits of centuries of tiptoeing around arseholes, we settled for a larrikin sense of humor when what was needed was resistance to these pricks.
But what are you gonna do? You can't put an old head on a young nation's shoulders and you can't tell people they're being used when their education carefully steers them away from reaching that conclusion. Sound a bit far fetched? Our Attorney General just said Australians have the right to be bigoted. The right.
 I'm pretty sure my grandpa didn't fight in a world war for the right of his grandkids to behave like spoiled little cunts. Sweet jesus, the fucking attitude on display among the born to rule who wants to be a millionaire crowd is disgusting. Was your mother's breast milk not enough mate? You've gotta suck the life out of anyone who reckons communities of people who share some fucking joy are a bit of a good idea? What the fuck happened to you? Or did nothing happen to you and really you're just an appetite waiting to glom onto anything juicy. 
 Christ on the cross, I wish I had a belief that after this life there is more or better but I know - or I'm betting - that this is it and every drop of eternity is reflected right here.  And on the one hand I can't believe the moral corruption sweeping this country, but on the other what an opportunity to get in a fight with some real arseholes and break their fucking shit. But fuck it, that won't do either! They want us sucked into the toilet of negativity, that's their home ground.

When bigots start with their garbage words the commonsense advice is to not go down to their level, but I've often thought I prefer to go far below their level. However you have to be good at it, you have to use your words, you've got to own the situation, you've got to mock these idiots, and it's not even enough to be right! You have to be much more than right. It's not enough to impress your friends with your ability to think nice thoughts and believe good beliefs. It's not enough to get on your high horse and self-righteously deliver messages like, "That's wrong," and "You're mean," you have to take these pricks to task, make them feel the shame - if they can even feel that - or bowl them over with the sudden knowledge that their credibility hangs in the balance. You need to kick out their supports, anything that's propping them up, because these people are all users, they take take take and they cannot survive a day in the wilderness of the human soul, where there are no dysfunctional relationships to sustain you and nowhere to hide from the harsh glare of unfiltered human disapproval.
Fuck these guys. Yes this place started off real bad, there's a high water mark of dried blood marking the corrosion that will continue if we don't cut it out. That's what we have to say to these dickheads: cut it out. They've had their day, use your words and cut 'em down. 


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